Volume trader



Yes it is the frametime which I chose to test in first .

I also put in comparison the version of origin : .mql

with 4 majors paires.


Hello Bruno, download last version (v.2.0).

Can't you use metatrader 4?


Yes I use it in demonstration but in account reel, my broker uses MT3 :cool:



I am not a programmer,you understood it well by reading my posts, however I am curious and by reading the EA with Metaeditor, I saw that:

extern int StartHour = 8;

extern int EndHour = 20;

does that want to say that this EA works only of 8h00 with 20h00 solely and not the night?



yes ... this trader not works in night


FOREXTS volume trader

Hello Forexts j don't know well the language for program with MQL language and j see the code program of "Volume_trader_v2";

j think that the volume is very important for trading operation.

In the Expert the condition for entry (Long || Short) is true || false if the (volume[1]volume[2]) and this control is important.

J ask you if you can write the expert but the control for entry is moving average of volume for example three period is ">" of ten period and if this condition is true look if the close of bar[1]is ">" of close of bar [2] this is condition true for buy order .

Reverse condition for sell order.

Important insert the trailing stop and stop loss for example 10 for trailing and 15 for stop loss.

See the image please

thank bye


FOREXTS volume trader

Hello Forexts j don't know well the language for program with MQL language and j see the code program of "Volume_trader_v2";

j think that the volume is very important for trading operation.

In the Expert the condition for entry (Long || Short) is true || false if the (volume[1]volume[2]) and this control is important.

J ask you if you can write the expert but the control for entry is moving average of volume for example three period is ">" of ten period and if this condition is true look if the close of bar[1]is ">" of close of bar [2] this is condition true for buy order .

Reverse condition for sell order.

Important insert the trailing stop and stop loss for example 10 for trailing and 15 for stop loss.

See my algoritm if is correct please.

// Developed by www.forex-tsd.com

// Idea from John Taylor

// v.2.0


#define MySuperMagic 111020051110

extern int StartHour = 8;

extern int EndHour = 20;

extern double Lots = 0.1;

int volume_medio,volume_attuale;

double LastBarChecked;

int init()



LastBarChecked = Time[0];





//| expert deinitialization function |


int deinit()




//| expert start function |


int start()


string cm = "Volume ";

if (Period() == 1) cm = cm + "1M";

if (Period() == 5) cm = cm + "5M";

if (Period() == 15) cm = cm + "15M";

if (Period() == 30) cm = cm + "30M";

if (Period() == 60) cm = cm + "1H";

if (Period() == 240) cm = cm + "4H";

if (Period() == 1440) cm = cm + "1D";

if (Period() == 10080) cm = cm + "1W";

if (Period() == 43200) cm = cm + "1M";

cm = cm + " - ";

cm = cm + TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS);

int EAMagic = MySuperMagic + Period();


bool doShort = false;

bool doLong = false;


bool long = false;

bool short=false;



bool hourValid = (Hour() >= StartHour) && (Hour() <= EndHour);

if ( (Volume[1] > volume_medio) && hourValid && (Close[1]>Close[2]))


doLong = true;

Comment("Up trend");


if ( (Volume[1] > Volume[2]) && hourValid && (Close[1]<Close[2]))


doShort = true;

Comment("Down trend");


if ( Volume[1] == Volume[2] )


Comment("No trend...");


if(LastBarChecked != Time[0])


int cnt = 0;

while (cnt<OrdersTotal())


if ( OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS) == false ) continue;

if ( OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==EAMagic)


int ticket = OrderTicket();

double oLots = OrderLots();

double priceClose;

if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)


priceClose = Bid;

if ( doLong )


LastBarChecked = Time[0];






priceClose = Ask;

if ( doShort )


LastBarChecked = Time[0];






Alert("Error closing trade: " + ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));






cnt ++;



if (hourValid)


if (Volume[1] > volume_medio)




if (Volume[1] <volume_medio)





LastBarChecked = Time[0];





thank goodbye
