May we change something


May we change?

I used this EA for the 3 weeks. It may be ok.

But I have one proposal: we may use all this EA for intra-day trading.

If we agree that this EA is showing us the right direction of the trading on particular pair so we may use this as direction only (not as stop order) and program this EA to trade intraday.

Not understand a thing? Ok.

We insert this EA to the chart and get several stop orders. If we will understand this orders as direction of the trading only (not like an order) we may ytade intraday. But what to do with those stop orders? Nothing. Just be sure that this EA will never open those orders. Its are for direction only.

I tried to trade using this EA. I traded intra-day on the ditection of the trend.

And I estimated trend acounding to the TSD EA (v0.34).

If we will use this EA as skeleton to have a lot of EAs trading intraday so it will be something different.

It is not very crasy idea because I traded intraday using this system already.


I may explain what I did.

Insert TSD. Wait until order(s) will be opened. Then use an other account to trade intra-day using TSD trend direction. I did it but I think it is much easy to program this EA to trade intra-day as well. In this case we do not need the TSD orders to be opened or closed. We need just a right direction. I will try with Matthew Kennel's version. It seems this version is showing us the right direction. But it will be very good if somebody program this EA to trade intra-day. I asked Mindaugas to change something. But as I understand people who are trading by day do not want to take into account intra-day trading as well.

For example, just add an other setting in EA:

intra-day: true or false.



Explain more precisely when your algorithm is to trade intraday.

The overall Direction can be ascertained from the TSD code, but that is very slow and weekly.

Do you mean that you trade only when all the other TSD conditions have been met, i.e. both the WPR and the fact that the trade has gone through the stop level? So in other words you only trade on those days where TSD would open a trade?

Suppose that does happen, and a TSD trade is opened---or would be opened.

What now is your algorithm to trade intraday, where to enter and exit?

I believe that TSD and Elder really have the correct general idea: find the longer term trend, and enter on a temporary deviation. Probably all profitable trading works like that. Other things I've seen and tried are not reliably profitable---TSD is still the king.

So a "son of TSD" using similar ideas, but different specifics would be great.


May be it is crazy idea. I do not know.

I tested TSD during the about one month. Big losses.

It was eating my deposit. And I saw plus 40 pips, and more

in intra-day. But I could not do anything because I can not touch trades.

Can you imagine to have plus 40 pips in profit or even more and you know exactly that it will be S/L without T/S, minus 100 in the end of the day?

And I was on real account. Not demo.

I tried to trade when TSD already opened the order. In this case I may open an other intra-day orders.

This crazy idea came from the following:

two weeks ago I opened sell on chf 1.2650 and an other sell on 1.2700.

After one week I said to myself: common! you are lossing money, it is 1.2900 already! But it was really right direction to sell (by day and weekly). I had to wait. And I started to play intra-day. I opened buy on 1.2730. chf was going up. I had my 30 pips. When down back to my 1.2730 or 1.2750 - I opened buy once again (opposite daily trend). And it was ok concerning margins: two sell plus one buy, it means I opened one sell only (concerning margins). I had some profit in intra-day and I closed two sell orders already in minus 100 and minus 150 (because did not want to wait) having more than plus 300 in intra-day. So, if we will use this day trading as direction only we may make money.

An other thing. I saw many times that TSD opened the order and this order was closed during the 3 or 4 hours. Intra-day? But TSD is not trading intra-day. And my idea to trade intra-day by TSD: it is not intra-day as well because some positions will be opened during the one or two days.

Ok. You may try. Create any demo account, about 5,000 for example. Estimate the pair and daily/weekly trend. You may use indicator (see picture) which are forecasting the daily high and low (in download area). For example, price is going down (daily or weekly). So you may open sell. After 20 pips (in minus) you may open an other sell. But price is going down in daily or weekly direction. But in intraday prace in going up (let's say). So, after an other 20 pips in minus you may open buy. It is spider system. You will wait. If price is going down - it is ok for you as you have two sell orders already opened and it is fully ok with daily or weekly trend direction. If price is going up - it is ok for you as well because you have one buy order already opened and you know that price will go down finally (accourding to your estimation of the daily trend if you were right in this subject of course).

So, price is up - it is ok. down is good as well. And everything ok with margins (two sell orders plus one buy order are equal one sell concerning to margins). Spider system.

spider.gif  43 kb

Too many words.

Next time please make it shorter.

As I understand you correctly you opened 3 sell orders and 5 buy. No? Ok. It was 3 buy and 10 sell orders. No? I remember: it was 18 sell and 25 buy orders. As you said: "exactly opposite daily trend". Excellent! Always trade opposite trend, it is the main secret I know. And wait? How many days? One or two days?

Great system! I like it.


Where to download and how to use EA ?

Hi I am new here.

Could anybody tell me where to download that EA ? and How to use / Start EA so that it will do AutoTrading on behalf of you?

A step by step help is highly appreciatable. Email me: davidjohny[at]



Hi I am new here.

Could anybody tell me where to download that EA ? and How to use / Start EA so that it will do AutoTrading on behalf of you?

A step by step help is highly appreciatable. Email me: davidjohny[at]



First read this and adjust your Metatrater's settings according to the picture on the link above.

Then select EA you want to use. There are a lot of EAs here:

about TSD EA settings you may go here and here and here. To get EAs go here, adjust "Display Options" in the bottom of the page "from the beginning" to see everything, and select EA (there are a lot of). Then read this forum to understand about EA you selected (post and compare trading section and other sections in this forum). Then download EA to the /expert folder, open MetaEditor, fild your EA, compile it, close MetaEditor, open Metatrader, attach EA to the chart.