Prevent code from Calling OnTick()


I want to add the expiry check in the OnInit() section and if returns false , I want to prevent it from going ahead. And I want to stop the code.

‌‌I have written this:

int OnInit()
if(expirationdate() !=true)


‌I wrote the function:

bool expirationdate()
{// function expiry check
else return(true);
}// function expiry check

But When it shows the alert it will continue to the OnTick() and continue the code.

I want to stop thecode from running.


int OnInit()

James Cater:

int OnInit()

Thanks a million.
Morteza Khorasani:

Thanks a million.
However if your indicator is already running when the expiration date is reached, it will continue to work...possible for months (not joking I have seen it :-D).