Advantage of Getting a Forex Broker



  I am curious for the newbies or what we new traders if they have already hired a forex broker even if you are still starting as a trader?

Not clear, what you are asking ...
SweetAnalyst:   I am curious for the newbies or what we new traders if they have already hired a forex broker even if you are still starting as a trader?
You have to have a broker so you have a data feed. Open a demo account.
You have to have a broker so you have a data feed. Open a demo account.
whroeder1, I see you got your crystal ball today ...
SweetAnalyst :


  أنا الغريب للنوبي أو ما الجديد التجار إذا كانت قد استأجرت بالفعل سيط تداول العملات الأجنبية حتى لو كنت لا تزال ابتداء تاجر؟

مرحبا بك انا في البداية و أرجو  المساعدة 
مرحبا بك انا في البداية و أرجو  المساعدة 
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You need a forex broker to trade. What are you asking?