Following a signal trading in comoddities



I'm hoping somebody can help.

I have recently subscribed to a signal which trades in commodities.

It's linked up OK as all my others are but for some reason it's not copying the trades.

It feels as though I need to do something in MT4 to switch on commodity trading ? or maybe my broker needs to switch it on ?

It must work because somebody has reviewed it.

Can anybody help please ?

Many thanks



Commodities are a bit tricky, symbols are not the same in all brokers.

You should ask the signal provider if your broker is compatible and if not you should use one that it is.

You can ask your broker too, about it. 

Eleni Anna Branou:

Commodities are a bit tricky, symbols are not the same in all brokers.

You should ask the signal provider if your broker is compatible and if not you should use one that it is.

You can ask your broker too, about it. 

Ty.  I've just been talking with broker but they are not a lot of help.  The instrument is there but its code is different.  As a result, by MT4 is just kicking it back as an error saying no symbol found.  I will try the signal now, Thanks.  Tom
Ty.  I've just been talking with broker but they are not a lot of help.  The instrument is there but its code is different.  As a result, by MT4 is just kicking it back as an error saying no symbol found.  I will try the signal now, Thanks.  Tom

This is a common problem in commodities, each broker (almost) has its own symbol and that confuses things. 


Hi again Eleniand thanks for helping out

Is there a way around this or will I simply have to open a new account with the broker that the signal uses or recommends ?  

Even if I use the same broker as the signal, will I still have problems with MT4 or should it work OK ?  

If I'm correct then, does MT4 get loaded with the specific brokers symbols that it's linked to ? 



Yes, the best option is to open an account with the same broker (if you trust it, that is).

Then you will copy the signal correctly and with the minimum slippage. 


Ok, I will give it a try.  Dare I say this is a nightmare as no brokers will help with signals.  So you go to the signal and he just says dont know, ask your broker.  ANyway, if I cant get this working what are the chances of a subscription refund ?


Ok, I will give it a try.  Dare I say this is a nightmare as no brokers will help with signals.  So you go to the signal and he just says dont know, ask your broker.  ANyway, if I cant get this working what are the chances of a subscription refund ?

If you still have problems and want to ask for a refund (that's for the first 1-2 days or so), apply directly to the Service Desk and DON'T CANCEL your subscription first !!!

They will not refund your subscription if you cancel first. 


Thanks Eleni you have been very helpful.  I have been trying to sort another broker account but I'm not convinced it's going to work.

So may well be after a refund.  We will see how we go.




Hi again

 I think I am getting somewhere handy.

I have a new broker account, I have MT4 downloaded with the new broker name on it and a balance. What I cant do is stop copying on the current account and then switch the signal subscription across to the other account  How do I do this without having to pay another subscription ?



Ah, OK, I didn't realise that you will switch accounts, so you have to apply to Service Desk for a refund: Because your broker was not compatible with the signal (no such symbol).

After they refund you the money for your subscription you will subscribe again with your new account.

You can't switch accounts for a signal subscription, I am afraid.