There are signals where the performance of some months are grayed out


What's the reason of this?

e.g. Jan: 896.86 Feb: 16.41

I found the same question here, but it was not answered:

I guess that a withdraw or deposit had happened in that month


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Hm, thank you, but I think this can not be the reason. There are many signals with some deposits and withdrawals in the same month and they have no greyed out/invalid monthly performances.

I will ask the service desk.


Hm, thank you, but I think this can not be the reason. There are many signals with some deposits and withdrawals in the same month and they have no greyed out/invalid monthly performances.

I will ask the service desk.

Please let us know their answer
Mohammad Soubra:
Please let us know their answer
Yes, I will post it here.

The Grayed months performance is before the signal is published on MQL 

Example: The signal provider opened an account on June 2016 and trade on it for 3 months then he published it on MQL those 3 months will be on grey and the other months after publishing will be in Blue
Mohammed Mounir:

The Grayed months performance is before the signal is published on MQL 

Hm, maybe too. But I watch to a signal since January and the performance of January changed in the first week of February from the normal state to the invalid state with the grey color and the performance of the hole system is now displayed without this January.

EDIT: Here is the answer from the service desk:

'Our automatic system has detected a high value of growth. It does not correspond to the current trading strategy. The growth for that period will not be counted and will not be included in the calculation of the total growth. That system is applied for all signals without exception.'


Hm, maybe too. But I watch to a signal since January and the performance of January changed in the first week of February from the normal state to the invalid state with the grey color and the performance of the hole system is now displayed without this January.

EDIT: Here is the answer from the support desk:

'Our automatic system has detected a high value of growth. It does not correspond to the current trading strategy. The growth for that period will not be counted and will not be included in the calculation of the total growth. That system is applied for all signals without exception.'

Thanks for sharing
It usually happens when a very high value of growth has been recorded and the MQL5 system take it as suspicious.