customer's username replaced by "Customer" - page 4

Some customers don't want to hide their names, they actually want many developers to send them private message about lower pricing.
Supposed to hide the developers' details as well
It could be better

~~only the Name and contacts similar to the customers

It seems to me (sat on the outside watching the conversation unfold) that if the customer's name is going to be hidden they should still show some anonymous info about the person i.e. finished jobs, average price, average time.

They still seem to show the rating of the "customer".

Just my $0.02 

Hossein Nouri:
Understood, thanks.

clearly it has some advantages but I think they should make some changes, like seeing feedbacks, increasing limit of developers for making offer (now it's 10),...
Hey Hossein,
I think it is already raised to 20 applications per day limit
Keith Watford:
This is totally ridiculous. I assume that we are not hidden from the customer?

There are some customers that I have had lengthy discussions with who have then just not followed through with the job. See how many outdated jobs there are. Jobs that have just been dropped or the developer and customer have made a private deal to not pay through mql5.

Other times, I have wasted time ironing out details so that I know exactly what the customer wants (They are usually very vague regarding the details). Then they want a sample code which they obviously test in the strategy tester. They find that it doesn't make profits and then you don't hear from them again.

We need to know who the customer is so that we can avoid the known time wasters.
While I understand and agree it's a problem not being able to know who the customer is, I don't agree it's totally ridiculous, you need to see the big picture.

The main problem is the service is not profitable (it's clearly stated on the Russian thread). It's not profitable as there are a lot of abuse by pseudo customers AND developers, and as often good people will be penalized in the same time as the bad guys.
Mohammad Soubra:
Hey Hossein,
I think it is already raised to 20 applications per day limit
Hey Mohammad,
That's good, I think it's a new change that recently applied.
Fernando Carreiro:
As a coder myself, I personally opted not to offer my services in the Freelance section for many reasons, mostly negative. One reason in particular, is the double standard that MetaQuotes implements, namely that coders have to be “vetted” and prove who they are and openly identify themselves with a real name, but customers on the other hand, don’t undergo any such vetting and present themselves under an alias. They can even easily have several “false” accounts which makes things even worse.

This “new”, even more anonymous “feature” that MetaQuotes is presenting, makes the system even more atrocious. In my humble opinion, both customers and coders should be vetted and present themselves with real names so as to have transparency on both sides of the transaction.

I find this double standard very disturbing!
In theory I do agree. The problem is if you are a serious customer, which want to make 1 job, will you accept to follow all the procedure needed to be identified ? I don't think so, they will go somewhere else (there are plenty of Freelance jobs service).
Hossein Nouri:
Hey Mohammad,
That's good, I think it's a new change that recently applied.
But seems there is a bug ;)

Still that customer's usernames are available and accessable when the job announced on the user's wall
Mohammad Soubra:
But seems there is a bug ;)

Still that customer's usernames are available and accessable when the jib announced on the user wall