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whroeder1: News to me, I don't have notifications. Wilco.
In your profile you can define if you want to receive notifications and you can set you MetaQuotes ID for your Mobile App in order to receive it in real-time.
Fernando Carreiro: you can set you MetaQuotes ID for your Mobile App in order to receive it in real-time.
If I had a MetaQuotes ID and a phone that could run a App.

If I had a MetaQuotes ID and a phone that could run a App.
OK! Then I guess you can't get notifications on replies to your posts! Which can be good or bad depending on your point of view!
If I had a MetaQuotes ID and a phone that could run a App.

It's great going weeks between charging your phone, isn't it?

(and not caring if you drop it in the sea!) 

honest_knave: It's great going weeks between charging your phone, isn't it? (and not caring if you drop it in the sea!) 
Once a week wether it needs it or not.
Paying only $15 USD/mo is also nice.