I need HEEEELP, please, it's URGENT...really ! - page 6

Alain Verleyen: Fernando, I will surprise you...I totally agree with you 

I was even insulted twice by people I was helping for free, I could not believe it when it happened. It was a serious lesson for me.

Wow! Finally I said something right by you!
Alain Verleyen:
Could you do this for me ? You seems so nice and competent, I really appreciate it.

Very respectable man,we can judge and estimate your feelings about such posts and demands by various visitors,this is the main mother spot forum (MQL) opened for whole world and peoples are from multi color senses and approaches along with their less knowledge and extra greed,more over today life is so hard and difficult even for stable communities,poverty and unstabilize situations every where in every corner of the universe made peoples abnormal some times but often,so we zero level coding community only ask opologise from you and all rest expert coders who always helped with a kind heart and we appreciate your patience,and hope for your goodwill towards needy visitors in future.


Alain Verleyen:

Fernando, I will surprise you...I totally agree with you 

I was even insulted twice by people I was helping for free, I could not believe it when it happened. It was a serious lesson for me.

  It is really a matter of pity and disappointment,and it happens usually mostly places,not here only but it does not means valid,God knows well when peoples comes to be realistic,a forum subsidiary of meta-quotes where i am active mostly time since some years,i saw peoples requesting for some thing,experts and moderators offering and providing them what they asking and trying to help them for dozens times for the same question/request for days but at the end they blame with harsh words by going off but not realizing and accepting they are so poor to follow and understand,and what moderators get in reverse for the help/teaching/guidance and efforts they made for several years,few words of thanks and appreciation,far less they did,but matter does not end here,the very awkward and non ignorance situation came when requester pay some thing in ill and unrespectable way,here i again appreciate and salute to experts and moderators of all forums for their extreme patience and broad mindedness.


Alain Verleyen:

I was even insulted twice by people I was helping for free, I could not believe it when it happened. It was a serious lesson for me.

On another forum, somebody told me they had the right to the source code of a free indicator I provided... in case I died.
honest_knave: On another forum, somebody told me they had the right to the source code of a free indicator I provided... in case I died.

How impetuous of you to DENY them that RIGHT!

Alain, you have created a monster by giving me access to your smiley library!

Alain Verleyen:
Honestly I don't quite understand what you are saying.


Can you give/ write EA for me 5% return per month ?   (every method you saw or you use ...) 



Can you give/ write EA for me 5% return per month ?   (every method you saw or you use ...) 

and for me too ... but I need 10% return per month

Very respectable man,we can judge and estimate your feelings about such posts and demands by various visitors,this is the main mother spot forum (MQL) opened for whole world and peoples are from multi color senses and approaches along with their less knowledge and extra greed,more over today life is so hard and difficult even for stable communities,poverty and unstabilize situations every where in every corner of the universe made peoples abnormal some times but often,so we zero level coding community only ask opologise from you and all rest expert coders who always helped with a kind heart and we appreciate your patience,and hope for your goodwill towards needy visitors in future.


Of course, it's not a problem at all that people doesn't have knowledge, or even doesn't have money to pay for a service. But what matters is how people are acting in such situation, do they want to make efforts to learn or not, to work or not...

In my experience people coming from the poorest countries are the most respectful and well educated.  



Can you give/ write EA for me 5% return per month ?   (every method you saw or you use ...) 

I am still waiting for help about my problem.

The thing I code is not working and no one want to help me. They just find it funny  

Alain Verleyen:

Of course, .........

In my experience people coming from the poorest countries are the most respectful and well educated.  

Your observation is more than right,also there are good and bad effects/results of poverty and richness,though education furnish a person but the more change in behavior comes from independent/liberal versus dependent societies.