FrameAdd using data file - page 2

Without files

Форум по трейдингу, автоматическим торговым системам и тестированию торговых стратегий

Библиотеки: TypeToBytes

fxsaber, 2017.05.22 15:04

Получаем конфиденциальные данные владельцев облачных агентов
#include <TypeToBytes.mqh>

input int Range = 0;

template <typename T>
struct ARRAY
  T Array[];
  void operator +=( const T Value )
    const int i = ArrayResize(this.Array, ArraySize(this.Array) + 1) - 1;
    this.Array[i] = Value;

#define TOSTRING(A) #A + " = " + (string)(A)
#define ADD(A,B) Str += TOSTRING(TerminalInfo##A(B));

void GetPrivateData( ARRAY<string> &Str )
  ADD(Integer, TERMINAL_X64)



void OnTesterPass()
  ulong Pass;
  string Name;
  long ID;
  double Value;
  uchar Data[];

  while (FrameNext(Pass, Name, ID, Value, Data))
    string Str[];
    _ArrayCopy(Str, Data);

double OnTester()
  ARRAY<string> Str;  

  FrameAdd("Temp", 0, 0, _R(Str.Array).Bytes);

Доступны имя пользователя Windows, битность, число ядер, размер памяти и т.д.

Alain Verleyen:

I checked against following your post and finally figured out how it works :

Thanks @Stanislav Korotky

Hi Alain Verleyen,

I think you got it!! (as always!). I thought I had to put the filename as "filetest.csv", while only using "filetest" is sufficient... very good, Master!


And as Stanislav Korotky already wrote, using ShortArrayToString is a necessary step to correctly retrieve the string information.

Congrats, Master!


Rodrigo Malacarne:

Hi Alain Verleyen,

I think you got it!! (as always!). I thought I had to put the filename as "filetest.csv", while only using "filetest" is sufficient... very good, Master!

And as Stanislav Korotky already wrote, using ShortArrayToString is a necessary step to correctly retrieve the string information.

Congrats, Master!


You are always welcome
Without files

Форум по трейдингу, автоматическим торговым системам и тестированию торговых стратегий

Вопросы от начинающих MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5

fxsaber, 2017.08.23 14:10

Для записи данных Агентов в один файл нужно использовать Фрейм-режим.

// Пример записи данных Агентов (включая Облачные) в один файл
input int Range = 0;

void OnTick()
// ....

// Файл открываем только в режимах одиночночного прогона или Фрейма.
const int handle = ((MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER) && !MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION)) || MQLInfoInteger(MQL_FRAME_MODE)) ?
                   FileOpen(__FILE__, FILE_WRITE | FILE_TXT) : INVALID_HANDLE;

// Подготовка данных
void GetData( string &Str, MqlTick &Ticks[], double &Balance )
  Str = "Hello World!";
  CopyTicks(_Symbol, Ticks, COPY_TICKS_ALL, 0, 2); // Последние два тика (пример)
  Balance = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);

// Запись данных
void SaveData( const string &Str, const MqlTick &Ticks[], const double Balance )
  FileWrite(handle, Str);
  for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(Ticks); i++)
    FileWrite(handle, Ticks[i].bid);
  FileWrite(handle, Balance);

void OnTesterDeinit()
  if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE)  

#include <TypeToBytes.mqh> //

double OnTester()
  string Str;
  MqlTick Ticks[];
  double Balance;
  GetData(Str, Ticks, Balance); // Подготовка данных для записи

  if (MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION)) // Оптимизация
    CONTAINER<uchar> Container; //
    Container[0] = Str;
    Container[1] = Ticks;
    Container[2] = Balance;
    FrameAdd(NULL, 0, 0, Container.Data); // Отправили данные из Агента на Терминал
  else // Одиночный прогон
    if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE)
      SaveData(Str, Ticks, Balance); // Данные будут записаны в MQL5\Files-папку Агента (не Терминала)

void OnTesterPass()
  if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE)
    ulong Pass;
    string Name;
    long ID;
    double Value;
    CONTAINER<uchar> Container; //
    while (FrameNext(Pass, Name, ID, Value, Container.Data))
      string Str;
      MqlTick Ticks[];
      double Balance;
      // Получили данные от Агента
//      FileWrite(handle, Pass);     // Если хочется записать номер прохода
      SaveData(Str, Ticks, Balance); // Данные будут записаны в MQL5\Files-папку Терминала (не Агента)
Alain Verleyen:

No, as I said it works, not for you ?

2017.05.21 20:00:48.107    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    OnTesterInit(): Start Optimization
2017.05.21 20:00:57.292    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    OnTesterPass : new frame pass:0 name:Statistics id:28820 value:0.000000
2017.05.21 20:00:57.292    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    Size: 28 this is a random test 28820
2017.05.21 20:00:57.309    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    OnTesterPass : new frame pass:16 name:Statistics id:28820 value:0.000000
2017.05.21 20:00:57.309    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    Size: 28 this is a random test 28820

2017.05.21 20:01:10.587    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    OnTesterPass : new frame pass:79 name:Statistics id:8492 value:0.000000
2017.05.21 20:01:10.587    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    Size: 27 this is a random test 8492
2017.05.21 20:01:10.720    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    -----------
2017.05.21 20:01:10.720    FrameTest (EURUSD,M6)    OnTesterDeinit(): End Optimization

Build 1596.

Hi there, hope you can help to preserve my hairline. I've copied your code exactly replacing my attempts, and in my log `OnTesterPass` never gets called, inside the 'Agent-\MQL5\Files' the file `filetest` is being created. Logs for the agent don't have any entires from the print statements in the `OnTester` function. I am out of ideas of what I am doing wrong, and ideas? Build #1643 @Alain Verleyen 


2017.09.17 23:18:44.697 DS_1MilNetWorthBy40-v53 (GBPNZD,H1) OnTesterInit(): Start Optimization 

2017.09.17 23:18:44.697 DS_1MilNetWorthBy40-v53 (GBPNZD,H1) -----------C:\Users\danielsokolowski\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\36B48814C6C658AA3EC0B66B0B23CF41

2017.09.17 23:18:48.945 DS_1MilNetWorthBy40-v53 (GBPNZD,H1) -----------

2017.09.17 23:18:48.945 DS_1MilNetWorthBy40-v53 (GBPNZD,H1) OnTesterDeinit(): End Optimization



Hi there, hope you can help to preserve my hairline. I've copied your code exactly replacing my attempts, and in my log `OnTesterPass` never gets called, inside the 'Agent-\MQL5\Files' the file `filetest` is being created. Logs for the agent don't have any entires from the print statements in the `OnTester` function. I am out of ideas of what I am doing wrong, and ideas? Build #1643 @Alain Verleyen 


2017.09.17 23:18:44.697 DS_1MilNetWorthBy40-v53 (GBPNZD,H1) OnTesterInit(): Start Optimization 

2017.09.17 23:18:44.697 DS_1MilNetWorthBy40-v53 (GBPNZD,H1) -----------C:\Users\danielsokolowski\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\36B48814C6C658AA3EC0B66B0B23CF41

2017.09.17 23:18:48.945 DS_1MilNetWorthBy40-v53 (GBPNZD,H1) -----------

2017.09.17 23:18:48.945 DS_1MilNetWorthBy40-v53 (GBPNZD,H1) OnTesterDeinit(): End Optimization


Please provide some code if you need coding help.

my log `OnTesterPass` never gets called, inside the 'Agent-\MQL5\Files' the file `filetest` is being created. Logs for the agent don't have any entires from the print statements in the `OnTester` function. I am out of ideas of what I am doing wrong, and ideas?

Delete the optimization cache. For example, recompile the EA.

Alain Verleyen:
Please provide some code if you need coding help.

I have finally figured it out. `OnTesterPass` will NOT be called for single tester runs (Optimization: Disabled) and for 'Optimization: All symbols in the MarketWatch', that is when `MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER)=1 && MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION)=0`. This actually posses a huge problem - unless I am missing something obvious - but one is simply unable to extract any statistics data form remote agents in the following two scenarios:

- single run but with a remote agent selected to run it

- remote agents utilized in 'Optimization: All symbols in the MarketWatch'

Be great,


I have finally figured it out. `OnTesterPass` will NOT be called for single tester runs (Optimization: Disabled) and for 'Optimization: All symbols in the MarketWatch', that is when `MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER)=1 && MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION)=0`. This actually posses a huge problem - unless I am missing something obvious - but one is simply unable to extract any statistics data form remote agents in the following two scenarios:

- single run but with a remote agent selected to run it

You can workaround it by using an optimization "Slow complete algorithm" with only 2 passes.

- remote agents utilized in 'Optimization: All symbols in the MarketWatch'

You could write to ServiceDesk, maybe they can enabled OnTesterXXX() for this kind of "optimization".

EDIT: from fxsaber post it seems, OnTesterPass() is working with this kind of optimization ? I don't have time to check myself.


I have finally figured it out. `OnTesterPass` will NOT be called for single tester runs (Optimization: Disabled) and for 'Optimization: All symbols in the MarketWatch', that is when `MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER)=1 && MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION)=0`. This actually posses a huge problem - unless I am missing something obvious - but one is simply unable to extract any statistics data form remote agents in the following two scenarios:

- single run but with a remote agent selected to run it

- remote agents utilized in 'Optimization: All symbols in the MarketWatch'

It is not true!

Add this strings in your EA and start Optimization

#include <TypeToBytes.mqh> //
#define REPORT_TESTER // В тестере будут автоматически записываться отчеты
#include <Report.mqh> //


EURUSD (Data from OnTesterPass)

USDJPY (Data from OnTesterPass)