In your opinion, what is the mql5 trading signals rating formula?

  • 20% (18)
  • 8% (7)
  • 10% (9)
  • 17% (15)
  • 10% (9)
  • 4% (4)
  • 13% (12)
  • 4% (4)
  • 2% (2)
  • 10% (9)
Total voters: 49

A randomly generated score is my interpretation.

With respect,  what does it matter what anyones opinion is ?  isn't it more important to understand the actual rating formula ?
With respect,  what does it matter what anyones opinion is ?  isn't it more important to understand the actual rating formula ?

Agree. Anyway actual formula is kept secret by Metaquotes. There was (there is) big discussion about that on Russian forum.

Maybe a serious analysis can lead to some informations about this formula, but certainly not a poll.

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Sorry, but this is a serious and free poll, if you have the formula, please give it to us. If no, please let people freely give their opinion. Thanks.
Sorry, but this is a serious and free poll, if you have the formula, please give it to us. If no, please let people freely give their opinion. Thanks.
Can't I give my opinion too ? I voted "Other" and you asked "Please specify". I don't understand why you are replying this way.
I have no idea on how works the signal ranking . My opinion is that it should be given in order of importance a real account, the years and months since the beginning of the signal and the risk generated. All other factors would be more decisive in the choice of those who decide to subscribe or not.
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5
Can't I give my opinion too ? I voted "Other" and you asked "Please specify". I don't understand why you are replying this way.

Alain, what way? I'm asking please, this is not a good way? Your opinion is free too, as you said, and welcome, but you are moderators and leaders here, don't forget this, please.

So, please again, think about that, if you say this is not a serious poll and/or not useful in my opinion this will influence and intimidade the participation. 

And obviously there is no scientific rigor poll here, is just an exchange of ideas.

And I see no logic in leaders killing ideas and opinions at the very beginning (if the rest fo us are not breaking the rules).


Alain, what way? I'm asking please, this is not a good way? Your opinion is free too, as you said, and welcome, but you are moderators and leaders here, don't forget this, please.

So, please again, think about that, if you say this is not a serious poll and/or not useful in my opinion this will influence and intimidate the participation. 

And obviously there is no scientific rigor poll here, is just an exchange of ideas.

And I see no logic in leaders killing ideas and opinions at the very beginning (if the rest of us are not breaking the rules).

I can't agree with that. I don't think people are intimidated by what I can wrote, there is no valid reason for that, and even if it's the case there is nothing I can do about that and that's not stopping me to give my opinion or inform people. Of course a poll, by definition, has nothing to do with "scientific rigor, as it concern opinion and subjectivity of people, I never questioned that.

In my post above, there is 2 parts, an informative one (it's secret and link to a discussion) and a subjective one (a very constructive opinion on what could be done to get better data about this rating). I think that to participate to your poll, as to any other poll (or vote), the best thing for someone is to be better informed as possible. I don't influence anybody, I inform people.

Finally here is how I understand "your way" : you are trying to influence and intimidate me to not interfere with your topics


I can't agree with that. I don't think people are intimidated by what I can wrote, there is no valid reason for that, and even if it's the case there is nothing I can do about that and that's not stopping me to give my opinion or inform people. Of course a poll, by definition, has nothing to do with "scientific rigor, as it concern opinion and subjectivity of people, I never questioned that.

In my post above, there is 2 parts, an informative one (it's secret and link to a discussion) and a subjective one (a very constructive opinion on what could be done to get better data about this rating). I think that to participate to your poll, as to any other poll (or vote), the best thing for someone is to be better informed as possible. I don't influence anybody, I inform people.

Finally here is I understand "your way" : you are trying to influence and intimidate me to not interfere with your topics

No way, it's not wise intimidate the "big boss" ;-)

For me you are welcome in any topics, and in my opinion they belong to all, I have no topics here (I just started some of them, like this poll, but this is nothing comparing with the community ideas and further contributions).


Alain, what way? I'm asking please, this is not a good way? Your opinion is free too, as you said, and welcome, but you are moderators and leaders here, don't forget this, please.

The Moderators are not leaders here,  at least they should not be IMO,  they are here to Moderate (keep order) and not to set policy or direction of the Forum or to provide content,  just like any other user such as yourself,  they can voice an opinion or try to help others where they can.  A Moderator's opinion is no more or less valid just because they have a title under their avatar,  their opinion should be scrutinised just the same as any other user's opinion should be scrutinised,  then you can choose to agree or disagree with it.