Question to use 'SignalBaseGetDouble'



I would like to check my subscribed Signal provider's Balance from EA, and find 'SignalBaseGetDouble' with SIGNAL_BASE_BALANCE.

So I tried SignalBaseGetDouble(SIGNAL_BASE_BALANCE), and it returns 0.8 when my signal provider has now $12,600 on MQL5 signal page.

 Could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?

 It seems I can only get the  SIGNAL_INFO_VOLUME_PERCENT information right.




How could we say what you are doing wrong, when we don't know what you are doing ?

Show your code !


For now, I just want to know real time balance of my Signal provider's.





It shows some weird value from time to time, such as 0.8 ....sometimes way bigger (like more than 10 times) than what it shows on MQL5 signal page, which I don't understand. 

So I think I don't really understand the use of SignalBaseGetDouble .




For now, I just want to know real time balance of my Signal provider's.





It shows some weird value from time to time, such as 0.8 ....sometimes way bigger (like more than 10 times) than what it shows on MQL5 signal page, which I don't understand. 

So I think I don't really understand the use of SignalBaseGetDouble .



That's all your code ? Where you signal is it selected ? Please read the documentation.
//--- get total amount of signals in the terminal 
   int total=SignalBaseTotal(); 
//--- process all signals 
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++) 
      //--- select the signal by index 
         //--- get signal properties 
         long   id    =SignalBaseGetInteger(SIGNAL_BASE_ID);          // signal id 
         string name  =SignalBaseGetString(SIGNAL_BASE_NAME);         // signal name 
         double bal   =SignalBaseGetDouble(SIGNAL_BASE_BALANCE);     // signal balance          

            PrintFormat("id=%d, name=\"%s\", balance=%f",id,name,bal); 
      else PrintFormat("Error in call of SignalBaseSelect. Error code=%d",GetLastError()); 


I get the Balance or Equity, but all the values look so different, like old, maybe about 2 weeks old? or more? compared to the ones on MQL5 signal page.