What is the main motivation for being a signal provider on this site?


Let's say that I have a good system of trading.

What could be the reason for me for being a signal provider on this site?

Take a look at the front page and do the math.
Marco vd Heijden:
Take a look at the front page and do the math.

The signal which has the most subscribers here has nearly 600 subscribers x 28 $ = approx. 17.000 $ for a month.

Is it a good income for a time-approved system?

Maybe so, I don't know.

Anyway ...

I have a good system, returns more than 20 % monthly on average with a small drawdown.

My initial deposit is 10.000 $ and I can easily reach such a monthly income in one year.

So, I think that the main motivation, from the provider point of view of course, is to increase the deposit rapidly.

Any other reason for me?

Probably not.

The main motivation depends to an extent on who you are and what you are trying to achieve: money? recognition?

As I write this the top MT4 signal has 628 subscribers at $28 a month, which is a decent income even after the MQL commission.  But when you add to that the fact that this signal is a cent account and that the total trader deposits to the account were only about $68 (and some of that might have been broker bonus) that is one hell of an ROI and a pretty good motivation to provide signals.  

But there is a lot of competition on MQL  (maybe 4000 signals), you probably need to be in the top 100 or so to attract subscribers from the marketplace.




I do it becouse it help me to stay focused and keep up the M.M. setup.

When I was trading only for myself at the first gain I used to increase the size, or to try more aggressive trade, and every single time I lost the gain.

But looks like when I trade knowing that I sell my trade to other people I keep a good attitude and a rigid trading system.

Actually I  have a single signal in top 1000, and probably I won't ever have a subscriber, but I keepo going.

I mean, it helps me trading better even without subs, so this is enough.

If I ever have a subs, will be a penny more in my student pocket, a plus!


Hope this answer will clear your doubts, have a good life and good trading! 



Certainly a good place to start for talented and young traders.

And ... of course recognition.

I see.

Thanks a lot to all.