Access violation read to 0x00002710

Hi, I am currently encountering this error when loading my dll coded in C++. 
What could be the problem? 
Lewis Mbuthia:
Hi, I am currently encountering this error when loading my dll coded in C++. 
What could be the problem? 
Assuming that you are passing correct arguments, it means that your dll code has an error - you should check the dll code
The problem might be coming from almost anywhere.

To narrow down the possibilities, you could try debugging and see at which point/DLL call the program is crashing. If it is during a call to a function that itself calls to many other functions from your DLL, you could try adding prints inside the code of the DLL to see exactly where the problem is.

At least, that is what I used to do, perhaps someone can show us a better way to do it. The process is a pain, since you have to be recompiling the DLL all the time and getting it into the MT4 folder.

I recommend putting a few prints at first and then determining which is the first missing print. Then you know that between the last print and the first print missing, it is where it failed. Then, take that portion of the code and fill it with more prints, until you are able to find what the exact cause might be.

This is how I did it a few months ago. Tedious, but it works.

Kind regards.