Start time, end time - page 2

thank you to sharing us.
Thank all of you for help. It works now.

As already said by forex2start, you CAN NOT return a value in OnTick() event handler which is defined with void. Use this :

Anyway, I doubt this condition with strings will give you the expected result.

You were right. It should have closed but it haven't happend

My timer probably isn't very nice but I use a boolean.

So if the current time is between the two times I want it to run (e.g. 6am and 5pm), then set the boolean to true.

bool time;

int startTime = 6;
int endTime = 17;

void OnTick()

   datetime tm=TimeCurrent(); //gets current time in datetime data type
   string str=TimeToString(tm,TIME_MINUTES); //changing the data type to a string
   string current = StringSubstr(str, 0, 2); //selecting the first two characters of the datetime e.g. if it's 5:00:00 then it'll save it as 5, if it's 18 it will save 18.
   int currentTimeInt = StringToInteger(current); //changes the string to an integer

   if(currentTimeInt>startTime && endTime>currentTimeInt) {
      time = true;


   else {
      time = false;


   if(time == true) {

   //do calculations here




My timer probably isn't very nice but I use a boolean.

Please edit your post and use the code button (Alt+S) when pasting code.

EDIT your original post, please do not just post the code properly in a new post.