good ea .. help for add money risk percentage, based on belance


Hello friend,

I am not able to modify this EA
I would add the risk percentage based on (balance)

you can help me?

post the code ea :

#include <stdlib.mqh>

#include <stderror.mqh>

#define  NL    "\n"

// Regular variables
bool    LotIncrease                   = true;
bool    Buy                           = true;
bool    Sell                          = true;
extern string  smallestlotsize               = "0.1 = 1, 0.01 = 2";
extern double  SmallestLotSize               = 2;
extern double  MaxLotSize                    = 5;
extern double  LotSize                       = 0.01;
extern double  LotIncrement                  = 0.01;
//extern bool    Multiplier                  = true;
extern int     Multiplier                    = 0;
extern double  ProfitTarget                  = 5;
extern double  TrendProfitTarget             = 5;
extern double  SafetyLevelPercentage         = 400;
extern double  SafetyProfitTargetPercent     = 25;
//extern bool    OpenOnTick                  = false;
int     OpenOnTick                    = 1;
extern int     Spacing                       = 10;
extern int     TrendSpacing                  = 10;
extern double  CounterTrendMultiplier        = 2;
double  CloseDelay                    = 120;
int     OrdersToClose                 = 0;
int     MinimumOrdersToCloseLosing    = 1;
int     MaxMarginPercentage           = 40;
extern int     TrendTimeFrame                = PERIOD_M1;
extern int     TrendPeriods                  = 40;
extern int     TrendMultiplier               = 25;
extern int     Speed                         = 8;
extern int     SpeedReduction                = 5;
extern int     MaxBuyMoney                   = 25;
extern int     MaxSellMoney                  = 25;
extern bool    CeaseTrading                  = false;
extern bool    RightSideLabel                = true;

// Internal settings
//int            Step           = 1; NOT NEEDED
int            Spacing2       = 0;
int            TrendSpacing2  = 0;
int            TrendPeriods2  = 1;
int            Error          = 0;
int            Order          = 0;
int            Orders         = 0;
int            Slippage       = 0;
int            Reference      = 0;
string         TradeComment   = "PipMaker v11";
datetime       BarTime        = 0;
static bool    TradeAllowed   = true;
double         TickPrice      = 0;
double         BuyProfits [1][2];
double         SellProfits [1][2];
bool           Trending = false;
double         StartingBalance = 0;               
double         StartingEquity  = 0;               

int            MaxBuys        = 0;
int            MaxSells       = 0;

bool           Auditing       = true;
string         Filename       = "PipMaker.txt";

int init()
   if (Symbol() == "AUDCADm" || Symbol() == "AUDCAD") Reference = 801001;
   if (Symbol() == "AUDJPYm" || Symbol() == "AUDJPY") Reference = 801002;
   if (Symbol() == "AUDNZDm" || Symbol() == "AUDNZD") Reference = 801003;
   if (Symbol() == "AUDUSDm" || Symbol() == "AUDUSD") Reference = 801004;
   if (Symbol() == "CHFJPYm" || Symbol() == "CHFJPY") Reference = 801005;
   if (Symbol() == "EURAUDm" || Symbol() == "EURAUD") Reference = 801006;
   if (Symbol() == "EURCADm" || Symbol() == "EURCAD") Reference = 801007;
   if (Symbol() == "EURCHFm" || Symbol() == "EURCHF") Reference = 801008;
   if (Symbol() == "EURGBPm" || Symbol() == "EURGBP") Reference = 801009;
   if (Symbol() == "EURJPYm" || Symbol() == "EURJPY") Reference = 801010;
   if (Symbol() == "EURUSDm" || Symbol() == "EURUSD") Reference = 801011;
   if (Symbol() == "GBPCHFm" || Symbol() == "GBPCHF") Reference = 801012;
   if (Symbol() == "GBPJPYm" || Symbol() == "GBPJPY") Reference = 801013;
   if (Symbol() == "GBPUSDm" || Symbol() == "GBPUSD") Reference = 801014;
   if (Symbol() == "NZDJPYm" || Symbol() == "NZDJPY") Reference = 801015;
   if (Symbol() == "NZDUSDm" || Symbol() == "NZDUSD") Reference = 801016;
   if (Symbol() == "USDCHFm" || Symbol() == "USDCHF") Reference = 801017;
   if (Symbol() == "USDJPYm" || Symbol() == "USDJPY") Reference = 801018;
   if (Symbol() == "USDCADm" || Symbol() == "USDCAD") Reference = 801019;
   if (Reference == 0) Reference = 801999;
      StartingEquity= AccountEquity();


int deinit()


void CloseBuysInProfit()
   double BuyProfit, LastBuyTime;


   Orders = ArraySize(BuyProfits) / 2;
   for (Order = 0; Order < Orders; Order++)
      if (BuyProfits[Order][0] > 0 && (OrdersToClose == 0 || Order < OrdersToClose))
         if (OrderSelect(BuyProfits[Order][1], SELECT_BY_TICKET))
            if (OrderOpenTime() > LastBuyTime) LastBuyTime = OrderOpenTime();
            if ((IsTesting() || TimeCurrent() - LastBuyTime >= CloseDelay) && OrderCloseTime() == 0 && BuyProfits[Order][0] > 0) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 5, Green);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing BUY order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (A" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Bid:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID));

         Error = GetLastError();
         if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing BUY order " + DoubleToStr(BuyProfits[Order][1], 0) + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (A" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Bid:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID));

void CloseSellsInProfit()
   double SellProfit, LastSellTime;

   Orders = ArraySize(SellProfits) / 2;
   for (Order = 0; Order < Orders; Order++)
      if (SellProfits[Order][0] > 0 && (OrdersToClose == 0 || Order < OrdersToClose))
         if (OrderSelect(SellProfits[Order][1], SELECT_BY_TICKET))
            if (OrderOpenTime() > LastSellTime) LastSellTime = OrderOpenTime();
            if ((IsTesting() || TimeCurrent() - LastSellTime >= CloseDelay) && OrderCloseTime() == 0 && SellProfits[Order][0] > 0) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 5, Red);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing SELL order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (B" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Ask:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK));

         Error = GetLastError();
         if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing SELL order " + DoubleToStr(SellProfits[Order][1], 0) + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (B" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Ask:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK));


void PlaceBuyOrder()
   double BuyOrders, Lots;
   double LowestBuy = 1000, HighestBuy;

   if (BarTime != Time[0])
      BarTime = Time[0];
      TickPrice = 0;
      TradeAllowed = true;



   for (Order = OrdersTotal() - 1; Order >= 0; Order--)
      if (OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
         if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Reference && OrderType() == OP_BUY)
            if (OrderOpenPrice() < LowestBuy) LowestBuy = OrderOpenPrice();
            if (OrderOpenPrice() > HighestBuy) HighestBuy = OrderOpenPrice();

   if (TradeAllowed)
      if (Ask > HighestBuy + (TrendSpacing * Point))
         if (Multiplier == 1)
            Lots = NormalizeDouble(LotSize * MathPow(LotIncrement, BuyOrders), SmallestLotSize);
            Lots = NormalizeDouble(LotSize + (LotIncrement * BuyOrders), SmallestLotSize);

      if (Ask < LowestBuy - (Spacing * Point))
         if (Multiplier == 1)
            Lots = NormalizeDouble(LotSize * CounterTrendMultiplier * MathPow(LotIncrement, BuyOrders), SmallestLotSize);
            Lots = NormalizeDouble((LotSize * CounterTrendMultiplier) + (LotIncrement * BuyOrders), SmallestLotSize);

      if (Lots == 0) Lots = NormalizeDouble(LotSize, SmallestLotSize);
      if (Lots > MaxLotSize) Lots = MaxLotSize;

      OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, Slippage, 0, 0, TradeComment, Reference, Green);

      Error = GetLastError();
      if (Error != 0)
         Write("Error opening BUY order: " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (C" + Error + ")  Ask:" + Ask + "  Slippage:" + Slippage);
         TickPrice = Close[0];
         TradeAllowed = false;

void PlaceSellOrder()
   double SellOrders, Lots;
   double HighestSell, LowestSell = 1000;

   if (BarTime != Time[0])
      BarTime = Time[0];
      TickPrice = 0;
      TradeAllowed = true;


   for (Order = OrdersTotal() - 1; Order >= 0; Order--)
      if (OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
         if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Reference && OrderType() == OP_SELL)
            if (OrderOpenPrice() > HighestSell) HighestSell = OrderOpenPrice();
            if (OrderOpenPrice() < LowestSell) LowestSell = OrderOpenPrice();

   if (TradeAllowed)
      if (Bid < LowestSell - (TrendSpacing * Point))
         if (Multiplier == 1)
            Lots = NormalizeDouble(LotSize * MathPow(LotIncrement, SellOrders), SmallestLotSize);
            Lots = NormalizeDouble(LotSize + (LotIncrement * SellOrders), SmallestLotSize);
      if (Bid > HighestSell + (Spacing * Point))
         if (Multiplier == 1)
            Lots = NormalizeDouble(LotSize * CounterTrendMultiplier * MathPow(LotIncrement, SellOrders), SmallestLotSize);
            Lots = NormalizeDouble((LotSize * CounterTrendMultiplier) + (LotIncrement * SellOrders), SmallestLotSize);

      if (Lots == 0) Lots = NormalizeDouble(LotSize, SmallestLotSize);
      if (Lots > MaxLotSize) Lots = MaxLotSize;

      OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Slippage, 0, 0, TradeComment, Reference, Red);

      Error = GetLastError();
      if (Error != 0)
         Write("Error opening SELL order: " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (D" + Error + ")  Bid:" + Bid + "  Slippage:" + Slippage);
         TickPrice = Close[0];
         TradeAllowed = false;

int start()
   double         MarginPercent;
   static double  LowMarginPercent = 10000000, LowEquity = 10000000, LowMargin = 10000000;
   double         BuyPipTarget, SellPipTarget;
   double         BuyPips, SellPips, BuyLots, SellLots;
   int            BuyOrders = 0, SellOrders = 0;
   double         LowestBuy = 999, HighestBuy = 0.0001, LowestSell = 999, HighestSell = 0.0001, HighPoint, MidPoint, LowPoint;
   double         Profit, BuyProfit, SellProfit, PosBuyProfit, PosSellProfit;
   int            HighestBuyTicket, LowestBuyTicket, HighestSellTicket, LowestSellTicket;
   double         HighestBuyProfit, LowestBuyProfit, HighestSellProfit, LowestSellProfit;
   double         CurrentTime = (TimeHour(CurTime() + TimeMinute(CurTime())));
   double         Trend, TrendPrev;
   bool           SELLme = false;
   bool           BUYme = false;
   double         Margin = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);
   string         Message;

Error = GetLastError();
if (Error != 0) Write("Error 00: " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (E" + Error + ")");
   Orders = OrdersTotal();
   ArrayResize(BuyProfits, Orders + 1);
   ArrayResize(SellProfits, Orders + 1);
   ArrayInitialize(BuyProfits, 0);
   ArrayInitialize(SellProfits, 0);

   for (Order = Orders - 1; Order >= 0; Order--)
      if (OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
         if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Reference && OrderCloseTime() == 0)
            Profit = OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
            if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
               if (OrderOpenPrice() > HighestBuy)
                  HighestBuy = OrderOpenPrice();
                  HighestBuyTicket = OrderTicket();
                  HighestBuyProfit = Profit;

               if (OrderOpenPrice() < LowestBuy)
                  LowestBuy = OrderOpenPrice();
                  LowestBuyTicket = OrderTicket();
                  LowestBuyProfit = Profit;

               BuyProfits[BuyOrders][0] = Profit;
               BuyProfits[BuyOrders][1] = OrderTicket();

               if (BuyOrders > MaxBuys) MaxBuys = BuyOrders;
               BuyLots += OrderLots();

               BuyProfit += Profit;

            if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)
               if (OrderOpenPrice() > HighestSell)
                  HighestSell = OrderOpenPrice();
                  HighestSellTicket = OrderTicket();
                  HighestSellProfit = Profit;

               if (OrderOpenPrice() < LowestSell)
                  LowestSell = OrderOpenPrice();
                  LowestSellTicket = OrderTicket();
                  LowestSellProfit = Profit;

               SellProfits[SellOrders][0] = Profit;
               SellProfits[SellOrders][1] = OrderTicket();

               if (SellOrders > MaxSells) MaxSells = SellOrders;
               SellLots += OrderLots();

               SellProfit += Profit;

   ArraySort(BuyProfits, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_DESCEND);
   ArraySort(SellProfits, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_DESCEND);
   if (OrdersToClose > 0)
      Orders = MathMin(ArraySize(BuyProfits) / 2, OrdersToClose);
      Orders = ArraySize(BuyProfits) / 2;

   for (Order = 0; Order < Orders; Order++)
      if (BuyProfits[Order][0] > 0) PosBuyProfit += BuyProfits[Order][0];
      if (SellProfits[Order][0] > 0) PosSellProfit += SellProfits[Order][0];

   if (AccountEquity() < AccountMargin() * SafetyLevelPercentage / 100)
      BuyPipTarget = ProfitTarget * SafetyProfitTargetPercent / 100;
      SellPipTarget = ProfitTarget * SafetyProfitTargetPercent / 100;
      BuyPipTarget = ProfitTarget;
      SellPipTarget = ProfitTarget;

   HighPoint = MathMax(HighestBuy, HighestSell);
   LowPoint = MathMin(LowestBuy, LowestSell);
   MidPoint = (HighPoint + LowPoint) / 2;


   if (BuyOrders + SellOrders > MinimumOrdersToCloseLosing)
      if (Ask > MidPoint)
         if (PosBuyProfit + LowestSellProfit >= ProfitTarget && LowestSell < LowestBuy)
            OrderSelect(LowestSellTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing SELL order " + LowestSellTicket + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (E" + Error + ")");

            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 5, Green);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing SELL order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (F" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Ask:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK));


            LowestBuy = 1000;
            HighestBuy = 0;
            LowestSell = 1000;
            LowestSellTicket = 0;
         else if (PosSellProfit + LowestSellProfit >= ProfitTarget && LowestSell < LowestBuy)
            OrderSelect(LowestSellTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing SELL order " + LowestSellTicket + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (G" + Error + ")");

            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 5, Red);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing SELL order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (H" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Ask:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK));


            LowestSell = 1000;
            HighestSell = 0;
            LowestSellTicket = 0;
         else if (PosBuyProfit + LowestBuyProfit >= ProfitTarget && LowestBuy < LowestSell)
            OrderSelect(LowestBuyTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing BUY order " + LowestBuyTicket + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (I" + Error + ")");

            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 5, Green);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing BUY order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (J" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Bid:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID));


            LowestBuy = 1000;
            HighestBuy = 0;
            LowestBuyTicket = 0;
         else if (PosSellProfit + LowestBuyProfit >= ProfitTarget && LowestBuy < LowestSell)
            OrderSelect(LowestBuyTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing BUY order " + LowestBuyTicket + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (K" + Error + ")");

            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 5, Red);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing BUY order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (L" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Bid:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID));


            LowestSell = 1000;
            HighestSell = 0;
            LowestBuy = 1000;
            LowestBuyTicket = 0;
      else if (Bid < MidPoint)
         if (PosBuyProfit + HighestBuyProfit >= ProfitTarget && HighestBuy > HighestSell)
            OrderSelect(HighestBuyTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing BUY order " + HighestBuyTicket + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (M" + Error + ")");

            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 5, Green);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing BUY order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (N" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Bid:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID));


            LowestBuy = 1000;
            HighestBuy = 0;
            HighestBuyTicket = 0;
         else if (PosSellProfit + HighestBuyProfit >= ProfitTarget && HighestBuy > HighestSell)
            OrderSelect(HighestBuyTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing BUY order " + HighestBuyTicket + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (O" + Error + ")");

            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 5, Red);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing BUY order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (P" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Bid:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID));


            LowestSell = 1000;
            HighestSell = 0;
            HighestBuy = 0;
            HighestBuyTicket = 0;
         else if (PosBuyProfit + HighestSellProfit >= ProfitTarget && HighestSell > HighestBuy)
            OrderSelect(HighestSellTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing SELL order " + HighestSellTicket + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (Q" + Error + ")");

            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 5, Green);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing SELL order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (R" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Ask:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK));


            LowestBuy = 1000;
            HighestBuy = 0;
            HighestSell = 0;
            HighestSellTicket = 0;
         else if (PosSellProfit + HighestSellProfit >= ProfitTarget && HighestSell > HighestBuy)
            OrderSelect(HighestSellTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error accessing SELL order " + HighestSellTicket + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (S" + Error + ")");

            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 5, Red);

            Error = GetLastError();
            if (Error != 0) Write("Error closing SELL order " + OrderTicket() + ": " + ErrorDescription(Error) + " (T" + Error + ")  Lots:" + OrderLots() + "  Ask:" + MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK));


            LowestSell = 1000;
            HighestSell = 0;
            HighestSellTicket = 0;
   else if (BuyOrders + SellOrders < MinimumOrdersToCloseLosing)
      if (PosBuyProfit >= TrendProfitTarget)
         LowestBuy = 1000;
         HighestBuy = 0;
      else if (PosSellProfit >= TrendProfitTarget)

         LowestSell = 1000;
         HighestSell = 0;
      Spacing2 = 0;
      TrendSpacing2 = 0;




   Trend = iMA(Symbol(), TrendTimeFrame, TrendPeriods2, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
   TrendPrev = iMA(Symbol(), TrendTimeFrame, TrendPeriods2, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
if (Trend == 0) return;
   // BUY Trade Criteria
   if (HighestBuy > 0 && LowestBuy < 1000)
      if (Trending)
         if (Ask < LowestBuy - ((Spacing2 / 2) * Point) || Ask > HighestBuy + ((TrendSpacing2 / 2) * Point))
            BUYme = true;
   //          if (OpenOnTick && TickPrice > 0 && Close[0] < TickPrice) TradeAllowed = true;
            if (OpenOnTick == 1 && TickPrice > 0 && Close[0] < TickPrice) TradeAllowed = true;
         if (Ask < LowestBuy - (Spacing2 * Point) || Ask > HighestBuy + (TrendSpacing2 * Point))
            BUYme = true;
   //          if (OpenOnTick && TickPrice > 0 && Close[0] < TickPrice) TradeAllowed = true;
            if (OpenOnTick == 1 && TickPrice > 0 && Close[0] < TickPrice) TradeAllowed = true;
//      if (-BuyProfit > (AccountEquity() * MaxMarginPercentage / 100) / 2) BUYme = false;
//      if (SafetyLevelPercentage > MarginPercent) BUYme = false;
      if (-BuyProfit > MaxBuyMoney) BUYme = false;
      if (CeaseTrading && BuyOrders == 0) BUYme = false;
//      if (Ask < Trend) BUYme = false;
      if (TrendPrev > Trend) BUYme = false;
      if (BUYme && Buy) PlaceBuyOrder();

   // SELL Trade Criteria
   if (HighestSell > 0 && LowestSell < 1000)
      if (Trending)
         if (Bid > HighestSell + ((Spacing2 / 2) * Point) || Bid < LowestSell - ((TrendSpacing2 / 2) * Point))
            SELLme = true;
   //          if (OpenOnTick && TickPrice > 0 && Close[0] > TickPrice) TradeAllowed = true;
            if (OpenOnTick == 1 && TickPrice > 0 && Close[0] > TickPrice) TradeAllowed = true;
         if (Bid > HighestSell + (Spacing2 * Point) || Bid < LowestSell - (TrendSpacing2 * Point))
            SELLme = true;
   //          if (OpenOnTick && TickPrice > 0 && Close[0] > TickPrice) TradeAllowed = true;
            if (OpenOnTick == 1 && TickPrice > 0 && Close[0] > TickPrice) TradeAllowed = true;
//      if (-SellProfit > (AccountEquity() * MaxMarginPercentage / 100) / 2) SELLme = false;
//      if ((SafetyLevelPercentage > MarginPercent) && (MarginPercent > 0)) SELLme = false;
      if (-SellProfit > MaxSellMoney) SELLme = false;

      if (CeaseTrading && SellOrders == 0) SELLme = false;
//      if (Bid > Trend) SELLme = false;
      if (TrendPrev < Trend) SELLme = false;
      if (SELLme && Sell) PlaceSellOrder();
   if (BuyOrders > 0 && SellOrders > 0)
         TrendPeriods2 = TrendPeriods;
         Spacing2 = Spacing;
         TrendSpacing2 = TrendSpacing;
   if ((BuyOrders > 0 && SellOrders == 0) || (SellOrders > 0 && BuyOrders == 0)) TrendPeriods2 = TrendPeriods * TrendMultiplier;
   if ((BuyOrders < Speed && SellOrders == 0) || (SellOrders < Speed && BuyOrders == 0))
         Spacing2 = Spacing / SpeedReduction;
         TrendSpacing2 = TrendSpacing / SpeedReduction;
   if ((BuyOrders > Speed) || (SellOrders > Speed))
         Spacing2 = Spacing;
         TrendSpacing2 = TrendSpacing;


   if (AccountMargin() != 0)
      MarginPercent = MathRound((AccountEquity() / AccountMargin()) * 100);
      if (LowMarginPercent > MarginPercent) LowMarginPercent = MarginPercent;
      MarginPercent = 0;

   if (AccountEquity() < LowEquity) LowEquity = AccountEquity();
   if (AccountFreeMargin() < LowMargin) LowMargin = AccountFreeMargin();

   Message = "                    PipMaker v10" + NL +
             "                            TrendPeriods         " + DoubleToStr(TrendPeriods2, 0) + NL +
             "                            Spacing                " + DoubleToStr(Spacing2, 0) + NL +
             "                            TrendSpacing        " + DoubleToStr(TrendSpacing2, 0) + NL +
             "                            ProfitTarget           " + DoubleToStr(BuyPipTarget, 2) + NL +
             "                            Buys                    " + BuyOrders + "  Highest: " + MaxBuys + NL +
             "                            BuyLots                " + DoubleToStr(BuyLots, 2) + NL +
             "                            BuyProfit              " + DoubleToStr(BuyProfit, 2) + NL +
             "                            Highest Buy          " + DoubleToStr(HighestBuy, Digits) + "  #" + HighestBuyTicket + "  Profit: " + DoubleToStr(HighestBuyProfit, 2) + NL +
             "                            Lowest Buy           " + DoubleToStr(LowestBuy, Digits) + "  #" + LowestBuyTicket + "  Profit: " + DoubleToStr(LowestBuyProfit, 2) + NL + NL +
             "                            ProfitTarget           " + DoubleToStr(SellPipTarget, 2) + NL +
             "                            Sells                     " + SellOrders + "  Highest: " + MaxSells + NL +
             "                            SellLots                 " + DoubleToStr(SellLots, 2) + NL +
             "                            SellProfit               " + DoubleToStr(SellProfit, 2) + NL +
             "                            Highest Sell           " + DoubleToStr(HighestSell, Digits) + "  #" + HighestSellTicket + "  Profit: " + DoubleToStr(HighestSellProfit, 2) + NL +
             "                            Lowest Sell            " + DoubleToStr(LowestSell, Digits) + "  #" + LowestSellTicket + "  Profit: " + DoubleToStr(LowestSellProfit, 2) + NL + NL +
             "                            Balance                " + DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(), 2) + NL +
             "                            Equity                  " + DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(), 2) + "  Lowest: " + DoubleToStr(LowEquity, 2) + NL + NL +
             "                            Free Margin           " + DoubleToStr(AccountFreeMargin(), 2) + "  Lowest: " + DoubleToStr(LowMargin, 2) + NL +
             "                            Margin                  " + DoubleToStr(AccountMargin(), 2) + NL +
             "                            MarginPercent        " + DoubleToStr(MarginPercent, 2) + "  Lowest: " + DoubleToStr(LowMarginPercent, 2) + NL +
             "                            Current Time is      " +  TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS);

   if (RightSideLabel)
      string MarPercent = DoubleToStr(MarginPercent, 0);
      string LowMarPercent = DoubleToStr(LowMarginPercent, 0);
      string AcctBalance = DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(), 0);

      if (ObjectFind("MarginPercent") != 0)
         ObjectCreate("MarginPercent", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
          ObjectSet("MarginPercent", OBJPROP_CORNER, 3);
          ObjectSet("MarginPercent", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);
         ObjectSet("MarginPercent", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 12);      
         ObjectSetText("MarginPercent", MarPercent + "%  " + LowMarPercent + "%  $" + AcctBalance, 12, "Arial", White);
   if (ObjectFind("MidPoint") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("MidPoint", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], MidPoint);
      ObjectSet("MidPoint", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);
      ObjectSet("MidPoint", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
      ObjectMove("MidPoint", 0, Time[0], MidPoint);
   if (ObjectFind("TrendAxis") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("TrendAxis", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], Trend);
      ObjectSet("TrendAxis", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
      ObjectSet("TrendAxis", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
      ObjectMove("TrendAxis", 0, Time[0], Trend);

void Write(string String)
   int Handle;

   if (!Auditing) return;

   Handle = FileOpen(Filename, FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV, "/t");
   if (Handle < 1)
      Print("Error opening audit file: Code ", GetLastError());

   if (!FileSeek(Handle, 0, SEEK_END))
      Print("Error seeking end of audit file: Code ", GetLastError());

   if (FileWrite(Handle, TimeToStr(CurTime(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + "  " + String) < 1)
      Print("Error writing to audit file: Code ", GetLastError());



thank you!!!!


I would add the risk percentage based on (balance)

write a function to calculate it.

If you have problems, show your function and explain what it is that you are having problems with. Somebody will help you.

If you just want somebody to modify the EA, you are unlikely to find anyone here. This forum is mainly coders helping coders, not free coding requests.

Click on Freelance at the top of the page and you can place a job and it will probably be at a small cost.

  1. Don't paste code
    Play video
    Please edit your post.
    For large amounts of code, attach it.

  2. In code
    • You place the stop where it needs to be - where the reason for the trade is no longer valid. E.g. trading a support bounce the stop goes below the support.
    • Account Balance * percent/100 = RISK = OrderLots * (|OrderOpenPrice - OrderStopLoss| * DeltaPerLot + CommissionPerLot) (Note OOP-OSL includes the SPREAD, and DeltaPerLot is usually around $10/pip)
    • Do NOT use TickValue by itself - DeltaPerLot
    • You must normalize lots properly and check against min and max.
    • You must also check FreeMargin to avoid stop out
  3. learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you.
    We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.