I Trade News

  • 28% (18)
  • 50% (32)
  • 22% (14)
Total voters: 64

How many more questions? What next? Sexual proclivities? Give it a rest.


How many more questions? What next? Sexual proclivities? Give it a rest.

What is your Problem ?

How many more questions? What next? Sexual proclivities? Give it a rest.

I asked only 2 questions.

If something has to be said, moderators will do that.

u r not a moderator and mind ur own business. 

I dont concentrate on news much because whatever happens in news sooner or later the technical indicators will pick it up and reflect it.

I asked only 2 questions.

If something has to be said, moderators will do that.

u r not a moderator and mind ur own business. 

Apologies if you misunderstand me. A poor attempt at humour. My point is that all the surveys/questions are unscientific and will not reflect any pattern or behaviour. In short, pointless.


I asked only 2 questions.

If something has to be said, moderators will do that.

u r not a moderator and mind ur own business. 

How can you post a public poll and then say "mind your own business" ?  you made it everyone's business . . . 
How can you post a public poll and then say "mind your own business" ?  you made it everyone's business . . . 
he did not replied to what i asked. he is expressing something unrelated to my poll topic.
he did not replied to what i asked. he is expressing something unrelated to my poll topic.

What do you think of trail boss
do u trade news and does it work???
i sweat during news trade so stopped it :)