MT4 no Messages Option found under Settings Tab?


I was getting messages sent from my MT4 desktop version to my iPhone MT4 app via the push notifications.  Now I can't even see the Messages listed on my Mobile MT4 apps Settings page.

They were working just fine for half of the day today, but then they just stopped.

Can't find my Metaquotes ID either.

Anyone else having this issue and anyone find a solution for this.

Thanks in advance.


Mine, is still working fine with no problems: MetaTrader 4 app (Build 947), running on a iPhone 6 (iOS 9.3.2)

The "Messages" are under the "Settings" tab and the "MetaQuotes ID" is displayed at the very bottom of the "Messages" section.

Is it currently logged in into an account? Maybe when it is not, that section does not appear.

Also, try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it again!


Mine, is still working fine with no problems: MetaTrader 4 app (Build 947), running on a iPhone 6 (iOS 9.3.2)

The "Messages" are under the "Settings" tab and the "MetaQuotes ID" is displayed at the very bottom of the "Messages" section.

Is it currently logged in into an account? Maybe when it is not, that section does not appear.

Also, try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it again!

Thank you for your advice.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled a bunch, but it's still not showing any Messages nor the Metaquotes ID.  Restarted my phone and all of that.  Still nothing.

MetaTrader 4 app (build 947), running on a iPhone 6 Plus (iOS 9.3.2)... the same as you.

I will continue my search for the answer.


Thank you for your advice.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled a bunch, but it's still not showing any Messages nor the Metaquotes ID.  Restarted my phone and all of that.  Still nothing.

MetaTrader 4 app (build 947), running on a iPhone 6 Plus (iOS 9.3.2)... the same as you.

I will continue my search for the answer.

Try connection to different account!

I was getting messages sent from my MT4 desktop version to my iPhone MT4 app via the push notifications.  Now I can't even see the Messages listed on my Mobile MT4 apps Settings page.

They were working just fine for half of the day today, but then they just stopped.

Can't find my Metaquotes ID either.

Anyone else having this issue and anyone find a solution for this.

Thanks in advance.


 try going into your settings on your iPhone - Scroll down until You reach the MetaTrader App - Select it and then turn notification settings to on.

 I had the same problem, but changing my settings on my iPhone resolved this.

Hope it works for you also! 

Allow notifications is already on on my IPHONE 6 but still not showing Messages section on MT4 mobile app.

I had the same problem. 

the thing you need to do it: 

To login to the account that you have login-ed in the beginning of installation of the application MT4. 

I think you have deleted the account and now the messages are not shown. 

Good Luck


Hi can anybody help

Been using notifications sent from my desktop to my iphone for a long time and then they just stopped working.

My metaquotes id is missing from the bottom of the chat and message screen.

Tried all the normal stuff like delete and reload the app and making sure that notifications is switched on but still no id number showing.

has anybody got a fix for this situation.

Thank you for your help