I can't write my file!!!!


Dear all,

I created my first code for creating and writinf a file using mql4. I want to be sure it works properly so I decided to write some welcome words every time I execute it. Sadly, the file is correctly created but nothing is written in it. I attach my code for the community to take a humble look. I guess it must be a dumb error, but I simply can't see it. Here it is (it's in Spanish).

int OnInit()

   Escritura_Fichero(StringConcatenate("Empieza el log ",str));


void Escritura_Fichero(string cadena_entrada)
   bool log_creado,cambio_por_tamanyo;
   string entrada_log;
   if (fichero<1)
      Alert("No se ha podido abrir el fichero de log. Error=",GetLastError());
      if (cambio_por_tamanyo==true)
         if (fichero<1)
            Alert("No se ha podido abrir el fichero de log. Error=",GetLastError());
   if (log_creado==true)

Thank you very much in advance.

Is it correct?

You are opening a BINARY file and trying to output text in CSV format:

fichero=FileOpen(str,FILE_BIN|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE); // Open Binary File
FileWrite(fichero,entrada_log); // Write in CSV/Text format

Open a CSV or Text file instead, using FILE_CSV or FILE_TXT (either in ANSI or UNICODE).


Please read documentation on FileOpen() function, especially example code.

There are examples of "incorrect" and "correct" file opening code.

You use "incorrect" one and besides that looks like you have a bug.

When fails, FileOpen() returns INVALID_HANDLE, which is -1, so your code probably correctly opens file (since you can see it in the folder), but you incorrectly conclude that FileOpen() failed. 


//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
//--- incorrect file opening method
   string terminal_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);
   string filename=terminal_data_path+"\\MQL4\\Files\\"+"fractals.csv";
   int filehandle=FileOpen(filename,FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
      Print("Failed to open the file by the absolute path ");
      Print("Error code ",GetLastError());
//--- correct way of working in the "file sandbox"
      FileWrite(filehandle,TimeCurrent(),Symbol(), EnumToString(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES(_Period)));
      Print("FileOpen OK");
   else Print("Operation FileOpen failed, error ",GetLastError());
//--- another example with the creation of an enclosed directory in MQL4\Files\
   string subfolder="Research";
      FileWrite(filehandle,TimeCurrent(),Symbol(), EnumToString(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES(_Period)));
      Print("The file most be created in the folder "+terminal_data_path+"\\"+subfolder);
   else Print("File open failed, error ",GetLastError());


I've changed my code:

if (fichero==INVALID_HANDLE)

and now is working properly.

Thank you very much both for your help.

Best Regards,