distance pivot point

hello, I have to write this simple code, but I can not figure out where I'm wrong.
In the first row I say that the maximum must be lower than the pivot point, the second row I mean that the pivot level minus the maximum level candle should be less than 0.5 pips.

Where am I wrong?

Thank you

if(High[1+i] < iCustom(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, "Pivot_Points_-_Daily_sShiftedd", 5, 2, 1+i) 
      && MathAbs     iCustom(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, "Pivot_Points_-_Daily_sShiftedd", 5, 2, 1+i - High[1+i]) < 0.5 * myPoint;
  1. You are mixing bar shifts with price values: 1+i - High[1+i]
  2. You are missing parenthesis for the MathAbs() function or something else is wrong: MathAbs     iCustom
  3. You also seem to be working with fractions of points which seems odd since you say that you want pips and not points: 0.5 * myPoint
  4. You have a semicolon out of place: ;
  5. As it stands, the code will not compile.
if(High[1+i] < iCustom(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, "Pivot_Points_-_Daily_sShiftedd", 5, 2, 1+i) 
      && MathAbs     iCustom(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, "Pivot_Points_-_Daily_sShiftedd", 5, 2, 1+i - High[1+i]) < 0.5 * myPoint;

Maybe, what you want is something like this:

   dblHigh       = High[ i + 1 ],
   dblPivot      = iCustom( NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, "Pivot_Points_-_Daily_sShiftedd", 5, 2, i + 1 ),
   dblPivotDelta = MathAbs( dblPivot - dblHigh ),
   dblHalfPip    = 0.5 * myPoint;

if( ( dblHigh < dblPivot ) && ( dblPivotDelta < dblHalfPip ) )
   // Something

I mean that the pivot values and the maximum level of the candle must be read in the previous candle 1

in another I exploit my code this function to have the difference of these values, and I thought it could also work between indicator and candle.

MathAbs(Open [1+i] - Close[1+i]) > DojiGap  * myPoint 

my condition should be this: the pivot must be greater than the maximum level of the previous candle and set this difference in pips

a little help for me?


thank you for your intervention the code compiles without any problems, but I have this situation in the graph but instead should have the arrow only when we have the condition described in the code.


I mean that the pivot values and the maximum level of the candle must be read in the previous candle 1

in another I exploit my code this function to have the difference of these values, and I thought it could also work between indicator and candle.

my condition should be this: the pivot must be greater than the maximum level of the previous candle and set this difference in pips

a little help for me?

Sorry, but I did not understand what you trying to explain. What has that to do with the first part of the code?

Please provide a more complete sample code instead a small snippets so that we can understand what you are talking about.

However, first fix the first part of the code with the suggestions I have given.

You're right, I'm sorry but I'm a newbie!

Place the entire code to understand better how I wrote it. Your formula seems correct but no arrows appear in the graph

#include <stdlib.mqh>
#include <stderror.mqh>

//--- indicator settings
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 1

#property indicator_type1 DRAW_ARROW
#property indicator_width1 1
#property indicator_color1 0xFFAA00
#property indicator_label1 "Sell"

//--- indicator buffers
double Buffer1[];

double myPoint; //initialized in OnInit

void myAlert(string type, string message)
   if(type == "print")
   else if(type == "error")
      Print(type+" | M30 @ "+Symbol()+","+Period()+" | "+message);
   else if(type == "order")
   else if(type == "modify")

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
   SetIndexBuffer(0, Buffer1);
   SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 0);
   SetIndexArrow(0, 242);
   //initialize myPoint
   myPoint = Point();
   if(Digits() == 5 || Digits() == 3)
      myPoint *= 10;

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime& time[],
                const double& open[],
                const double& high[],
                const double& low[],
                const double& close[],
                const long& tick_volume[],
                const long& volume[],
                const int& spread[])
   int limit = rates_total - prev_calculated;
   //--- counting from 0 to rates_total
   ArraySetAsSeries(Buffer1, true);
   //--- initial zero
   if(prev_calculated < 1)
      ArrayInitialize(Buffer1, 0);
   //--- main loop
   for(int i = limit-1; i >= 0; i--)
      if (i >= MathMin(5000-1, rates_total-1-50)) continue; //omit some old rates to prevent "Array out of range" or slow calculation   
      //Indicator Buffer 1
   dblHigh       = High[ i + 1 ],
   dblPivot      = iCustom( NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT, "Pivot_Points_-_Daily_sShiftedd", 5, 2, i + 1 ),
   dblPivotDelta = MathAbs( dblPivot - dblHigh ),
   dblHalfPip    = 0.5 * myPoint;

if( ( dblHigh < dblPivot ) && ( dblPivotDelta < dblHalfPip ) )
   Buffer1[i] = High[i]; //Set indicator value at Candlestick High
  1. You will have to provide the "Pivot_Points_-_Daily_sShiftedd" indicator if you want us to compile and test your code.
  2. Since I now see you full code, please change every occurence of "High[ ]" to "high[ ]".
  3. The following code is just "bogus". Don't just invent random bar counts. Do proper verification using the "rates_total" variable.
    if (i >= MathMin(5000-1, rates_total-1-50)) continue; //omit some old rates to prevent "Array out of range" or slow calculation
  4. Set the array initialisation in the OnInit() event. There is no need to do it on every tick:
    ArraySetAsSeries(Buffer1, true);
  5. Also set the Series flag for the "high" array in the OnCalculate() handler (and others that you may use such as the close or open):
    ArraySetAsSeries( high,  true );
    ArraySetAsSeries( close, true ); // place this line only if needed


thank you very much

i add the pivot code

this line is not 'necessary?

if (i >= MathMin(5000-1, rates_total-1-50)) continue; //omit some old rates to prevent "Array out of range" or slow calculation

I have to replace this line with these two?

ArraySetAsSeries(Buffer1, true);

ArraySetAsSeries( high,  true );
ArraySetAsSeries( close, true ); // place this line only if needed

thank you very much

i add the pivot code

this line is not 'necessary?

I have to replace this line with these two?

NO! NO! Please read again.

  1. I did not say it was not necessary. I said that you have to do it correctly because the values "5000" and "50" make no sense. You probably copy/pasted that from another person's code but have no idea what it is or what it is for. So, do it correctly.
  2. I did not say replace those two lines. I said MOVE the line "ArraySetAsSeries(Buffer1, true);" into the OnInit() function, and ADD the other two lines to the "OnCalculate()" function, but only add the "close" one if you plan to use the "close[]" array.
Unfortunately are not able to make these changes, I thought that it was enough to change the piece of code that I posted at the beginning.

Here is the altered code. However, please note that a deviation of only half a pip is too small and results in no arrow shown. But if you use something like 5 pips or 15 pips of deviation, then the arrows are shown:

I have added many of the values as inputs to the indicator instead of fixed values so you can change them when testing.

#property strict

//--- indicator settings
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers   1

#property indicator_type1     DRAW_ARROW
#property indicator_width1    1
#property indicator_color1    clrOrange
#property indicator_label1    "Sell"

//--- define inputs
input string
   strPivotIndicator =
      "Pivot_Points_-_Daily_sShiftedd";   // Name of Pivot Indicator
input int
   intShiftHours     = 5,     // Pivot Day Shift in Hours
   intPivotMode      = 3,     // Mode for Pivot value in Indicator
   intSellArrowCode  = 242;   // Code of Sell Arrow
input double
   dblMaxDevPips     = 15.0;  // Maximum Pivot to High Deviation in Pips
   // 0.5 is too small for the deviation. Use maybe 5 or 15 to see results.

//--- variables and buffers
   _Pip,      // Pip Size
   dblMaxDev, // Maximum Pivot to High Deviation
   Buffer1[]; // Primary Buffer

//--- Custom indicator initialization function
int OnInit()
   IndicatorDigits( _Digits );
   IndicatorBuffers( 1 );

   SetIndexBuffer( 0, Buffer1 );
   SetIndexEmptyValue( 0, 0 );
   SetIndexArrow( 0, intSellArrowCode );
   ArraySetAsSeries( Buffer1, true );

   // initialize Pip Size
   _Pip = _Point;
   if( ( _Digits == 5 ) || ( _Digits == 3 ) )
      _Pip *= 10;
   // set minimum deviation value
   dblMaxDev = dblMaxDevPips * _Pip;

   return( INIT_SUCCEEDED );

//--- Custom indicator iteration function
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime& time[],
                const double& open[],
                const double& high[],
                const double& low[],
                const double& close[],
                const long& tick_volume[],
                const long& volume[],
                const int& spread[])
   //--- Counting down from rates_total (enable only when needed)
   //ArraySetAsSeries( open,  true );
   ArraySetAsSeries( high,  true );
   //ArraySetAsSeries( low,   true );
   //ArraySetAsSeries( close, true );

      intIndex, intPrevious,
      intLimit = ( prev_calculated < 1 )
               ? rates_total - 1 : rates_total - prev_calculated;

   // Main Loop, Fill in the arrays with data values
   for(  intIndex = intLimit, intPrevious = intIndex + 1;
         intIndex >= 0; intIndex--, intPrevious-- )   
      Buffer1[ intIndex ] = 0; //Set initial Empty Value

      if( intPrevious < rates_total )
         double dblPivotPrev = iCustom( NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT,
               strPivotIndicator, intShiftHours, intPivotMode, intPrevious );
         if( dblPivotPrev < EMPTY_VALUE )
               dblHighPrev    = high[ intPrevious ],
               dblPivotDelta  = fabs( dblPivotPrev - dblHighPrev );
            if( ( dblHighPrev < dblPivotPrev ) && ( dblPivotDelta < dblMaxDev ) )
               Buffer1[ intIndex ] = high[ intIndex ]; //Set arrow at High Price

   return( rates_total );
PS! I edited the post and the code after the initial post, so copy it again if you were reading it while I was making the changes.