Help with text from indicators moving about.

As you can see on the link my news indicator is not that helpful, as i cannot see a thing. 
<link removed by moderator>
I know i can move objects around, but if i then try saving it to my template, it goes back to normal if i open the template, or just restart MT4
- So is there any way i can modify and save the indicator afterwards i have changed the positioning of the text.
i have a theory that MT4 does it because my laptop have a 13,3 inch 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160) screen. 

Any help appreciated  
Please add your screenshot directly in your post, don't use an external site.
  1. Don't attach a image, insert the image
  2. but if i then try saving it to my template, it goes back to normal if i open the template, or just restart MT4
    - So is there any way i can modify and save the indicator afterwards i have changed the positioning of the text.
    Your post is almost unintelligible. If you are using mechanical translation, you must use simple language structure.
  3. "Goes back to normal," means is was abnormal before? How can you "save an indicator?" You "changed the positioning of the text" where? In what code? There are no mind-readers here.

I apologize, my bad. 

See in the bottom right corner, i enlarged it aswell:

Sorry for not being clear enough.

What i meant was, if i change the text positions, in the object modifier and then save the whole thing as a template again. And then reopen the template, in another pair it rest itself.
And the same goes for restarting MT4, the text moves back in the pair, i have moved the text so that's not helping either. Hope that cleared things a bit.


It is obvious that the positions are being set by the indicator itself, therefore you cannot expect to change them and not have them reset themselves when the indicator re-initializes or reloads again.

If you want a permanent solution, you should make the necessary changes to the indicator's code so that it will adapt to your requirements (especially in the case of a 4K display):

  • Should you only have an ".ex4" file and not the accompanying ".mq4" source file, you will then have to contact the original developer for it or request the changes to be made on your behalf.
  • Should you have the ".mq4" source, but lack the knowledge to make the changes, then please have a look at the "Freelance" section and hire someone to do it for you.

However, from what I can see, at least one of the indicators, seems to be from the "Sonic R System" developed by "sonicdeejay", which is a non-commercial and open source project ( So, should they all belong to the same set as that project, it may be more appropriate for you to explain your problem there and have the developer (or its community of users) offer you assistance.

Okay, thank you for the polite and covering answer. 
And it was also somewhat what I was expecting as an answer, thank for the time sir.