Order close working in tester but not live



I am new, thanks for having me. This is my first post. I have a great strategy that works in real life, just trying to get it into code which I have learnt pretty much from scratch over the past few months.

My coding skills are quite poor I would imagine compared to your standards, but I managed to get it running, how I want, in the tester but when I run on live data my order close is not working.

So buy order when certain conditions are met works with this code:

                  int BuyTicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,5,Bid,3,0,0,NULL,BSMagic);
                  string buyerr = GetLastError();
                     int BuyTicketicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,5,Bid,3,0,0,NULL,BSMagic);


And closing was working in tester but in live mode it returns : unknown ticket 1 for OrderClose function



Please excuse my ignorange, but can anyone offer a simple fix/workaround to get order to close?




I am sorry to be blunt, but there are so many mistakes in that code that I would not know where to begin.

You can learn a lot by reading old posts here where you will see many examples for opening trades, checking for errors and closing trades


Yes, I'm sure there are, lol as I said I am very green and just wanting the bare essentials for testing.

Can you offer a piece of code that will work to buy 5 units of whichever graph i drag the expert onto to?

I don't want take profit or stop loss just to open the order when I tell it to and then to close the order when I tell it to?

Just like I clicked the Buy/Sell or Close button in MT4, surely there is a line or two of code that will work in any situation for whichever graph the expert is running on, even if its only going to work on one graph at any time?

I appreciate that most of you would have endless options and complexities and error odes in order open and close orders but I really just want the order to open and close for testing now if you can help?



                  int BuyTicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,5,Bid,3,0,0,NULL,BSMagic);
                  string buyerr = GetLastError();
                     int BuyTicketicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,5,Bid,3,0,0,NULL,BSMagic);


First of all, a buy order is opened at Ask, not Bid



is not dependant on whether the order was successful or not.

GetLastError() returns an int, not a string. You do not check if there actually was an error or not.

   int BuyTicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,5,Ask,3,0,0,NULL,BSMagic);
      int buyerr=GetLastError();
         int BuyTicketicket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,5,Ask,3,0,0,NULL,BSMagic);



Oooooh, that's beautiful. Thanks so much :)  All taken on board, including formatting.

Any idea why the order won't close tho ?

Magic number seems ok when I print it

I have no other orders open, anywhere

I can't seem to get any extra error code details apart from " unknown ticket 1 for OrderClose function "

I really appreciate you spending this time with a complete noob, it means a lot to me.



You can't close a trade with the magic number, you close it with the ticket number.

Awesome, thank you, you said just the right thing to push me in the right direction to find the information myself.

I would have spend weeks reading before I realized I couldn't use the magic number to close the order, strange it works in tester....

This is what I've got now, look ok?

   for (int BPos = OrdersTotal()-1; BPos >= 0; BPos--)
      if( ! OrderSelect(BPos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) ) continue;    
      OrderMagicNumber() == BSMagic
      && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()        
      && ( OrderType() == OP_BUY
      || OrderType() == OP_SELL )
      if ( ! OrderClose( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(),3,0 ) )
      Print("Order # ",OrderTicket(), "failed with error - ",GetLastError() );





You don't include an else

      Print("Order # ",OrderTicket(),"failed with error - ",GetLastError());

without it


would all be set even if the close fails

I cannot see any reason to increase the magic number every time