How many years have you spents in trading?

  • 42% (52)
  • 28% (34)
  • 13% (16)
  • 12% (15)
  • 5% (6)
Total voters: 123
Nice one ! You posted a poll after a long time. :)

I have starting my trading not so far ago, following some signals in the beginning...

nice pool
newbie here... 3 months losing money... :-)
newbie here... 3 months losing money... :-)
If you don't have any trading experience you should still be strading on demo account now to know the best strategy for you to use in trading. Well, during your three month of losing money,i think you are following the golding rules of tading e.g"do not invest the money you can't avoid to lost. etc
nice pool
It's not a Pool it's a Poll
I just started this summer with a 100 free bonus, and until now (after a few big mistakes) it's going well.
I just started this summer with a 100 free bonus, and until now (after a few big mistakes) it's going well.
That is forex, the ability to learn from your mistake will make you a better trader
That is forex, the ability to learn from your mistake will make you a better trader

I realized that. :-)  At the beginnig I traded always without putting a Stoploss, because I thaught I could close every trade with profit. ERRARE HUMANUM EST

With 3 Trades I lost my whole profit, and had to start again from 0 

Nice one ! You posted a poll after a long time. :)
Thanks, it's because i hate creating poll anyhow