Is possible to make the compiler rename the ex4?


Hi all,

Is there any parameter or workaround to make the compiler rename the ex4?

As far as i understand the compiler will generate an ex4 with the same name of the originating mq4 file, but i'd like to be able to change the name based on code. 

For example, if i have an EA called MyEA.mq4 i could add something like 

string RealName = "MyEA with Indicator";

 that would generate MyEA with Indicator.ex4 instead of MyEA.ex4. 



Either rename (save as) your mql4-file and compile it or click on the ex4-file in the equivalent folder and rename it there - but you can't make an EA out of an indicator this way (without changing the code!) or vice versa.

Do you mean that?


Either rename (save as) your mql4-file and compile it or click on the ex4-file in the equivalent folder and rename it there - but you can't make an EA out of an indicator this way (without changing the code!) or vice versa.

Do you mean that?

No, i don't want to make an EA out of an indicator. I would like the compiler to rename the resulting EA based on some rule.

This is because i use source control and can compile the same EA from different branches, but they all result in a same .ex4 file, overwriting each other.

I thought that maybe that was some obscure command line parameter where metaeditor would rename the compiled file to something else.