Find Last Red Candle



Any one can help me with this situation as i'm new to mql4 programing.

I would line to find the last red candle as it is showing in the attached photo. I know only one way to do that. But the problem is (What if the Red candle it is not in fifth bar back??) for Ex: if it in 4 or 3 or even in 7?

This is the way I do.

if(Close[1] > Open[1] && Close[2] > Open[2] && Close[3] > Open[3] && Close[4] > Open[4] && Close[5] < Open[5])

use an increasing while loop to check back through the candles. Stop when the 1st read candle is found.

hi GUMRai,

Thank you for your response, As I told i'm new to mql4 programing and I read some article and see some video about loop BUT i'm not able to do that .

I found this code which is show the numbers of bar down or up. But i can't figure how to find the last down candle?

Any help will be appreciated.

int n, upbar, downbar;
   double candleclose, candleopen, isitupordown;
   for(n=50; n!=0; n--)
      candleclose = iClose(Symbol(), 0, n);
      candleopen = iOpen(Symbol(), 0, n);
      isitupordown = candleclose - candleopen;
      if(isitupordown>0) upbar= upbar+1;
      if(isitupordown<0) downbar= downbar+1;
  int last_red_candle_index=1;
  Comment("Last Red Candle Index Is "+(string)last_red_candle_index);

Study and I hope that you will understand


Thank you very much GUMRai,

I really appreciate your help, I read a lot but i'm not able to ...

Any way thank you again

Hi GUMRai,

I'm trying to use the code you post with (iOpen and iClose) But the application stop respond .

     int last_red_candle_index=1;

         if(iOpen(Symbol(),0,last_red_candle_index) > iClose(Symbol(),0,last_red_candle_index));


Please assist to correct it.


Hi GUMRai,

I'm trying to use the code you post with (iOpen and iClose) But the application stop respond .

Please assist to correct it.

Why have you removed the break? Without it it is an endless loop

Thank you for response

you mean this is the right one

if(iOpen(Symbol(),0,[last_red_candle_index]) > iClose(Symbol(),0,[last_red_candle_index]));
Sorry break;


  int last_Red_candle_index=1;

        if(iOpen(Symbol(),0,last_Red_candle_index) > iClose(Symbol(),0,last_Red_candle_index)) break;

   double Close_Above_Red_Candle_High  = iClose(Symbol(),0,1) > iHigh(Symbol(),0,last_Red_candle_index);

   if( last_Red_candle_index < 3 
       && Close_Above_Red_Candle_High 
        && Volume[0]==1)
   Alert(" Close Above Red Candle High  "+Symbol(),"    ",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES),"   M",Period(),"  ");

I have one problem with the above code, it keeping alert me with every candle that close above red candle until new red candle format, I try many way but i couldn't find the solution as i'm new to MQL4.

finally i limit it with this code,

last_Red_candle_index < 3

but this not what i need

appreciate your help