Bug on Global variables with build 940

It's seems that on build 940 there is a bug using Global Variables: when you add manually a GV all is ok, and you can perform normally other functions (modify and delete). But if you close the platform and reopen it you loose all changes. Probably there is some problem with the copy of changes on relative file. Please advise if someone finds same behaviour. Nor it's running the function GlobalVariablesFlush(), so you can't save your GVvalues between one work session and another one.
It's seems that on build 940 there is a bug using Global Variables: when you add manually a GV all is ok, and you can perform normally other functions (modify and delete). But if you close the platform and reopen it you loose all changes. Probably there is some problem with the copy of changes on relative file. Please advise if someone finds same behaviour. Nor it's running the function GlobalVariablesFlush(), so you can't save your GVvalues between one work session and another one.

Yes, I have seen this too - I'm glad I'm not the only one!  I posted the symptoms of the problem I'm seeing here.  

I also raised a problem on the Service Desk but it hasn't been picked up as yet. 


Update: The problem I raised has been closed by the Support Team, with the comment "Fixed".  I assume that means it will be resolved in the next build.

It's seems that on build 940 there is a bug using Global Variables: when you add manually a GV all is ok, and you can perform normally other functions (modify and delete). But if you close the platform and reopen it you loose all changes. Probably there is some problem with the copy of changes on relative file. Please advise if someone finds same behaviour. Nor it's running the function GlobalVariablesFlush(), so you can't save your GVvalues between one work session and another one.
To my knowledge global variables get reset when the terminal closes.
To my knowledge global variables get reset when the terminal closes.

It can be confusing when discussing Global Variables.

Global Variables of the Client Terminal are being discussed here. Those are stored for 4 weeks after the last access and can be viewed by  pressing F3.

You are referring to Global Scope variables which will not remain when the terminal is closed.