Multiple inheritance


The Normal syntax doesnt seem to register, does mql cater for multiple inheritance or do i have to work around it?

 I was attempting a partial MVC, well different adaptation but essentially wanted a controller class between MarketIndicator and Trader, they both inherit statistics class but for different reasons.

Should i just include both mqh files and create an instance of each?  

Also im guessing the Cbox's and dialogues dont work in strategy tester?  
Keelan: The Normal syntax doesnt seem to register, does mql cater for multiple inheritance or do i have to work around it?
Inheritance - MQL4 Documentation Last line: MQL4 has no multiple inheritance

Yeh was just wondering if there was a work around but ive opted for static variables as the go between.

Never worked in C++ before, They seem to omit a fair chunk of the functionality, this due to simplicity or just their variation?

Also any idea why the downtime on the servers? I cant imagine they'd have any problem with latency or bandwidth. 

Where did you encounter multiple inheritance if you never worked with C++?

Not sure maybe java had more than extends? i forget. I think c# you can inherit base class + shared interface. 

Plus since starting mql I've made a few steps towards learning c++.

Are chart events void on strategy testers? that would explain the lack of functionality of dialogues. 

Not sure maybe java had more than extends? i forget. I think c# you can inherit base class + shared interface. 

(Not really relevant to this forum, but... the .NET languages don't have multiple inheritance in the full sense but a class can implement multiple interfaces, i.e. inherit from multiple abstract classes.)

Not sure maybe java had more than extends? i forget. I think c# you can inherit base class + shared interface. 

Plus since starting mql I've made a few steps towards learning c++.


No, and interface is not inheritance.
Right you are...
Right you are...

The work-around (or pattern from my point of view) which might be used is embedding the instance of the class into the instance of the other class type.

E.g. if you need Runnable instance for your logic, but your method is implemented in RunClass, create a wrapper (RunClassWrapper) and invoke your RunClass.operation() from within the metod.