What I understood is Correct?


My longtime uncompromised myself for this conversion!

London Market Opens at +7 GMT on summer session

                                    +8 GMT on winter session

is this correct? is this applicable for all years?

if i understood wrong please let me know how exactly understand the london market open time with GMT.

i need of write code to auto detect london market open time!

Your help is appreciated....

i already posted this in mql5.com community, but response is not cleared sofar. so i post here.


+7 GMT is a TZ not a time the same goes - of course - for +8 GMT

so please explain better


+7 GMT is a TZ not a time the same goes - of course - for +8 GMT

so please explain better

yes. Timezone. but what i understood is correct?

1) London time in the winter (DST=0) is equal to GMT!

2) If your PC or server is in Europe you can get the actual DST (either 0 or 1) if you use TimeDaylightSavings().

3) Outside of EU you have to get from elsewhere either you take it from here or you calculate it yourself according to the rules here.

So London opens always at 08:00 London time which is now (no DST) 08:00 GMT.