New article: Error Handling and Logging in MQL5


New article Error Handling and Logging in MQL5 has been published on

This article focuses on general issues linked to handling software errors. Furthermore, the logging term is brought up and the examples of logging implementation with MQL5 tools are shown.

During the operation of most programs, errors may occasionally occur. Their adequate processing is one of the important aspects of a high-quality and sustainable software. This article will cover main methods of error handling, recommendations for their use, as well as logging via MQL5 tools.

Error handling is a relatively difficult and controversial subject. There are many ways of error handling, and each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages. Many of these methods can be used together, but there is no universal formula — each specific task requires an adequate approach.

Logging with MQL5 tools

Log files are normally created by the program specifically for programmers to facilitate the search of failure/error reasons and to evaluate the system's condition at a specific moment in time etc. In addition to that, logging can be used for software profiling.

Levels of logging

Messages received in the log files often carry different criticality and require different levels of attention. Logging levels are applied to separate messages with various criticality from each other and to have the ability to customize the criticality degree of displayed messages. Several logging levels are normally implemented:

  • Debug: debug messages. This level of logging is included in the development, debugging and commissioning stages.
  • Info: informative messages. They carry information about various system activities (e.g. start/end of operation, opening/closing of orders etc). This level messages usually don't require any reaction, but can significantly assist in studying the chains of events that led to operation errors.
  • Warning: warning messages. This level of messages may include a description of situations that led to errors that don't require user intervention. For example, if the calculated trade amount is less than the minimum, and the program has automatically corrected it, then it can be reported with a «Warning» level in the log file.
  • Error: error messages that require intervention. This logging level is typically used with the occurrence of errors linked to issues with saving a certain file, opening or modifying deals etc. In other words, this level includes errors that the program is unable to overcome itself and, therefore, requires a user's or programmer's intervention.
  • Fatal: critical error messages that disable further program operation. Such messages need to be treated instantly, and often a user's or programmer's notification via email, SMS, etc. is provided at this level. Soon we are going to show you, how PUSH notifications are used in MQL5.
2015.09.23 09:02:10, USDCAD (D1), INFO: 
2015.09.23 09:02:10, USDCAD (D1), INFO: ---------- OnInit() -----------
2015.09.23 09:02:10, USDCAD (D1), DEBUG: Example of debug message (LoggerTest.mq5; int OnInit(); Line: 36)
2015.09.23 09:02:10, USDCAD (D1), INFO: Example of info message (LoggerTest.mq5; int OnInit(); Line: 38)
2015.09.23 09:02:10, USDCAD (D1), WARNING: Example of warning message (LoggerTest.mq5; int OnInit(); Line: 40)
2015.09.23 09:02:10, USDCAD (D1), ERROR: Example of error message (LoggerTest.mq5; int OnInit(); Line: 42)
2015.09.23 09:02:10, USDCAD (D1), FATAL: Example of fatal message (LoggerTest.mq5; int OnInit(); Line: 44)

Author: Sergey Eremin