Array out of range. But why?


Hi Experts,

Strange thing for me. I have a very short code. There is no error when compiled and runs perfectly on the charts.

But, when I compile it with Debug, it gives an "Array out of range" error. I don't understand, why?

Can you help me? Short code attached.

Thank you!

s_ma.mq4  4 kb
Add print statements and track down the line the index and the array size.
Add print statements and track down the line the index and the array size.
I've already done it, but as I saw, everything was OK.
Experts, any help in this?

OK, I see nobody wants to download the code.

Here is the problematic code-section:

double Get_s_ma(string symbol,int tframe,int s_ma_period,ENUM_MA_METHOD s_ma_method,ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE s_ma_price,int shift)
   double s_ma;
   int i;
   int P_s_ma=(int)MathFloor(MathSqrt(s_ma_period));
   int MedP_s_ma=(int)MathFloor(s_ma_period/2);
   double Val1[];

   for(i=0; i<P_s_ma; i++)


No problem during compiling, but problem during debugging (array out of range).

I'm unable to find what the problem is.

And you?


Print the value of P_s_ma

At a guess that is 0, which means you resize your array to 0 and then try to add something to it in your for loop.


Print the value of P_s_ma

At a guess that is 0, which means you resize your array to 0 and then try to add something to it in your for loop.

It cannot be 0, because s_ma_period cannot be less than 2 (there is a limitation).

So, P_s_ma is minimum 1.

OK, but have you printed it to prove that?
OK, but have you printed it to prove that?
Of course, yet before.

The problem seems to be that ArrayResize is not working (which I figured out with 2 print statements...)

Why ArrayResize is not working under debug, I have no idea. I suggest you contact the service desk as it seems like a bug.

double Get_s_ma(string symbol,int tframe,int s_ma_period,ENUM_MA_METHOD s_ma_method,ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE s_ma_price,int shift)
   double s_ma;
   int i;
   int P_s_ma=(int)MathFloor(MathSqrt(s_ma_period));
   printf("P_s_ma is %i",P_s_ma);
   int MedP_s_ma=(int)MathFloor(s_ma_period/2);
   double Val1[];
   printf("Val1 size is %i",ArraySize(Val1));

   for(i=0; i<P_s_ma; i++)





The problem is ArrayResize is not working (which I figured out with 2 print statements...)

Why ArrayResize is not working under debug, I have no idea. I suggest you contact the service desk as it seems like a bug.


Strange. I got 1 for P_s_ma with using the smallest possible value 2 for s_ma_period. It really seems that ArrayResize is not working.

int P_s_ma=(int)MathFloor(MathSqrt(s_ma_period));
int MedP_s_ma=(int)MathFloor(s_ma_period/2);