
I closed a trade.

So  the function OrderSelect( Ticket , SELECT_BY_TICKET,  MODE_HISTORY ) returns TRUE as expected.

 I suppose closed trade can only be found   on   MODE_HISTORY    not   on    MODE_TRADES. 

But why  OrderSelect(Ticket , SELECT_BY_TICKET,  MODE_TRADES) returns also TRUE ....?

My problem is : i want to check if a trade with given TICKET is only on open  trades not in pending orders or closed ones.  



Read the documentation


The pool parameter is ignored if the order is selected by the ticket number. The ticket number is a unique order identifier. 

and if it is closed, OrderCloseTime will not be zero.


That's right : the function  OrderCloseTime() is good for selecting opened trades because their time is setted at 1 970.01.01 00.00.00

OrderHistoryTotal() or OrdersTotal() dont give pending orders TICKET

How to see only all pending orders TICKETs  ?


paulselvan: OrderHistoryTotal() or OrdersTotal() dont give pending orders TICKET
False. Pending orders (in the order pool) or deleted/expired pending (in the history pool) are part of the count. Select by position, not by ticket.