Current (this) object as a parameter?



is there any way to use current object as a parameter? JavaScript have "this", what can i use to make same functionality in MQL4?

For example:

class Container {

    Object *object;
    double m_Price;

    MyData(double price) { m_Price = price; }
    double getPrice(){ return m_Price; }

    void addObject(Container *container) {
        object = new Object(this);


class Object {

    Container *container;
    Object(Container *Container) {
        container = Container;
    Container* whatIsYourContainer() {
        return container; 
Use GetPointer(this)
Great, thanks, forgot about it completely :)
amir_avatar: Use GetPointer(this)
  1. Pass a pointer if you need to.
  2. Pass a reference would be preferred
    void fcn(Object& o){...}


not when 2 objects pointing at each other, then pointer is preffered

amir_avatar: not when 2 objects pointing at each other, then pointer is preffered
You can't save a reference, there is no other option.
You can't save a reference, there is no other option.

you can get its pointer and save it. but regardless, even if you have only 2 objects one has a reference to the other it wont compile. only pointers to each other.

I have problems with compiling. As i understand the compiler doesn't see one class before making another one. Container contains Object, but Object class doesn't exist when compiler needs it. What can i do with that situation?

//|                        Copyright 2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property strict

class Container {


    Object* object;
    double m_Price;

    Container(double price) { m_Price = price; }
    double getPrice(){ return m_Price; }

    void addObject() {
        object = new Object(GetPointer(this), m_Price);
        Object* obj = object.whatIsYourContainer();


class Object {

    double objectPrice;
    Container* container;
    Object(Container* Container, double Price) {
        objectPrice = Price;
        container = Container;
    Container* whatIsYourContainer() {
        return container;
    double getPrice() {
      return objectPrice;

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
Container* c = new Container(1.31200);

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()



may be i need to declare the classes in some global space?

Error list: 

'Object' - declaration without type
'Container' - structure identifier cannot be used
'int' - semicolon expected
'int' - name expected
'c' - declaration without type
'return' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope
'}' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope
'object' - undeclared identifier
'=' - illegal operation use
'whatIsYourContainer' - object pointer expected
'Container' - structure identifier cannot be used
';' - unexpected token
'=' - operand expected

you need forward definition of Object, before Container put:

class Object;


and then go on with

class Container {



I havn't tried it but it should work 


you need forward definition of Object, before Container put:

class Object;


and then go on with

class Container {



I havn't tried it but it should work 

Sadly no. If i just put Object class definition before Container it can't compile. If i add just one line class Object; it can't compile too.

class Container;

class Object {

    double objectPrice;
    Container* container;
    Object(Container* Container, double Price) {
        objectPrice = Price;
        container = Container;
    Container* whatIsYourContainer() {
        return container;
    double getPrice() {
      return objectPrice;

class Container {


    Object* object;
    double m_Price;

    Container(double price) { m_Price = price; }
    double getPrice(){ return m_Price; }

    void addObject() {
        object = new Object(GetPointer(this), m_Price);
        Object* obj = object.whatIsYourContainer();



'Container' - structure identifier cannot be used  
'Container' - structure identifier cannot be used  
';' - unexpected token 
'=' - operand expected 
'=' - type mismatch


 if i delete "class Container;" line there are more errors :-/


What I meant is that you do like you did first time, but add forward class definition like this:

class Object;     //   <-- this line you need to add

class Container {


    Object* object;
    double m_Price;

    Container(double price) { m_Price = price; }
    double getPrice(){ return m_Price; }

    void addObject() {
        object = new Object(GetPointer(this), m_Price);
        Object* obj = object.whatIsYourContainer();


class Object {

    double objectPrice;
    Container* container;
    Object(Container* Container, double Price) {
        objectPrice = Price;
        container = Container;
    Container* whatIsYourContainer() {
        return container;
    double getPrice() {
      return objectPrice;