Simple code to get number of minutes / hours in a trade


I'm trying to come up with a real simple piece of code that just shows me the number of minutes / hours that I'm in an open position.

Basically what I know I should do is use



But this gives me a Time formatted value from year 1970. I'd rather just have a number of hours / minutes I can work with.

Anyone know if there is a function for this? 

  int seconds_in_trade=(int)(TimeCurrent()-OrderOpenTime())

should give you the duration in seconds. 

Then code to convert the seconds into hours and minutes 


If you just need the value as a string for a Print, Comment or label

  datetime time_in_trade=TimeCurrent()-OrderOpenTime();

 should do it

but I'm not sure what would happen if a trade is open more than 24 hours, so probably only good for short term trades 

Thanks GumRai.. The first explicit conversion is what I needed.. I didnt know I could do an (<datatype>) conversion. I'm new to MQL4.. Thanks for you help.