Bug/Problem with loading DashBoards of any kind


Hellos all!


I am currently having trouble getting dashboards of any kinds to work in my mt4. The alignments are always off.

For examples:


What should be:


What appears on my platform:







What should be:


What appears on my platform:






What should be:


What appears ony my platform: 




I would greatly appreciate all help rendered here! This problem has been annoying me greatly, and has prevented me from utilising some great dashboard indicators out there. 


Thank you in advance again for taking the time to look at this thread and solve my problem! 


It looks like you have set Windows to increase your text sizes to make things easier to read. 

If you are Windows 7 and you go to Display, I'm guessing you'll see a setting like this (i.e medium or larger selected):



 There will be a similar setting in other versions of Windows, I just don't have a screenshot of them.


You have 2 options:

1. Convince the dashboard developer to cater for this; or

2. Put your Windows settings back to 100%