Discussion of the possibility of conflicting information on some pages on the documentation - page 3


I can only conclude that you are deliberately trolling

If not, and you don't understand despite the numerous clarifications, then you will never understand.

Either way, I'm not going to waste any more of my time with this thread. I advise others to do the same. 

Obviously you are going to think what you are going to think no matter what I say, but your conclusion is incorrect. 

I can only conclude that you are deliberately trolling

If not, and you don't understand despite the numerous clarifications, then you will never understand.

Either way, I'm not going to waste any more of my time with this thread. I advise others to do the same. 

Hanlon's razor I suspect.
GumRai: I can only conclude that you are deliberately trolling
I declared him a troll 20 days ago. Since then he's behaved himself until now.
Now he brings up a SIX year old thread with BS. 232/20 (11.42 messages per day)
So from now on I respond: Please do not feed the troll. When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.
GumRai: I can only conclude that you are deliberately trolling
I declared him a troll 20 days ago. Since then he's behaved himself until now.
Now he brings up a SIX year old thread with BS. 232/20 (11.42 messages per day)
So from now on I respond: Please do not feed the troll. When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.

And as I posted on the other thread, it has been commented on by me and others about how rough and uncalled for many of your responses are.  So, until you can perfectly (every single time) respond appropriately to people who either 1, do not have the same programming skill as you do and ask for clarification because they do not understand, 2, do not speak English as a primary language and do not understand you, so they ask for clarification, or 3, varying combinations of the previous 2, then you have no place to tell others how they should be behaving on a discussion.  As I have also said elsewhere, there are people who do not read all of your programming suggestions and just look for an easier way to do it.  Never doubted that for a second.  Treating everyone who dares to ask you for clarification is NOT the proper response.  And before you get all in a huff about me telling you this, remember, I at least try to be polite.  I do not claim to be perfect at this either, because I know there are times when I haven't.  But I have not once tried to tell you you were telling someone how to do programming wrong.  My issue is with the doc page and how it is worded.

 As far as the old thread, would you rather I start another one when the one already there is an appropriate place to bring up a question?  And make yet another place that someone looking for information might have to go to?  Tons of forums are already overloaded with threads from people that have done that.  I take the time to find a thread that is appropriate to my question, and post to it instead of making another one, and can't even do that right, according to you.