What are the most important factors in a social trading signal? - page 2


Isn't ranking directly related with "high reward potential" ?

I don't understand what you mean by "we must take care about that to protect the subscriber" ?

My point here is "ranking formula of trading signals does not seem to take into account the long history factor" and "this issue should be reviewed".

About protect the subscriber the logic is: if the history factor is not relevant in the ranking formula but "ranking visibility" is relevant to subscribers, and first signal provider rule is protect the subscriber, my suggestion is review the formula.

Coincidence or not, the most voted factor here for 27 voters is precisely "long history factor".


My point here is "ranking formula of trading signals does not seem to take into account the long history factor" and "this issue should be reviewed".

About protect the subscriber the logic is: if the history factor is not relevant in the ranking formula but "ranking visibility" is relevant to subscribers, and first signal provider rule is protect the subscriber, my suggestion is review the formula.

Coincidence or not, the most voted factor here for 27 voters is precisely "long history factor".

Ok, how do you know or see that this factor (long history) isn't take into account in the ranking formula ? Any evidence ? I don't say you are wrong, simple want to know.

Same about your affirmation that "To me, the main factor who leads to choose a signal here is "ranking visibility", on what do you base this thesis ?


Ok, how do you know or see that this factor (long history) isn't take into account in the ranking formula ? Any evidence ? I don't say you are wrong, simple want to know.

Same about your affirmation that "To me, the main factor who leads to choose a signal here is "ranking visibility", on what do you base this thesis ?

Thanks Alain, you are welcome, but better not advance with examples or considerations that will lead to such evidences, since my opinion here will always be considered as spam or suspicious.

To be honest, was an error start this survey or even comeback to share my thoughts in the forum, since even if I post something about football. and in the funny thread "traders joking", someone will find a logic to be suspect.

Anyway, I am available to discuss privately any forum subject like this one.
Thanks Alain, you are welcome, but better not advance with examples or considerations that will lead to such evidences, since my opinion here will always be considered as spam or suspicious.
To be honest, was an error start this survey or even comeback to share my thoughts in the forum, since even if I post something about football. and in the funny thread "traders joking", someone will find a logic to be suspect.

Anyway, I am available to discuss privately any forum subject like this one.

As you wish. But what I see, is your sharing on this forum leads to some of the most interesting (non-programming) topics As a subscriber, do you invest in Demo Account trading signals? or Some Ideas to Select Trading Signals.

I am the first one who found your activity on the forum as suspicious, I think it's normal reaction for non-commercial people, and in fact I think now it's not that important, as anyone here has his own motivation. What's more important is we must be able the share opinion and discuss, in respect of each others, even if we don't agree on most things. That leads me to be more tolerant and this forum to get some very interesting discussion. Of course some people never evolve and are rigid, but who cares ?

So, I still don't understand or agree with some of what you do or write, but I encourage you to continue developing your ideas here.

This is totally off the topic.

"others, please specify"


I voted "others" and then specified as you requested . . . 


1) I voted "others", despite almost all other points from the poll are important too. Just one exception I see option "real account with high start balance". This is absolutelly unimportant. Everybody can be super profitable with high balance. It is very easy to be more richer if you are already rich. With big real money is easy to make even more money.

2) I think that most important is exactly the opposite.... Be consistently profitable with low starting money. For this reason I found helpful this measure for MFE and MAE points http://articles.mql4.com/471

(https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/xxxxxx#!tab=risks) where xxxxx is number of signal.

Reason why I think that MAE distribution points are quite important is that if you have low deposit in account, big MAE already killed you and you will certainly end with negative account balance, immediately or soon. Margin will kill you and loss will be never recovered.

What I mean by "small account" may be whatever from 10 USD to 100 USD. Account size suchlike 500 USD or more should be already considered like super-safe sure win for purposes of programming EAs. 1 000 USD is more and 10 000 USD is already very rich account. Because starting deposit is so different for people from different countries, where cost of living, paying bills and also wage is different across globe.

Unfortunatelly most EAs by most developers are able to trade sucessfully only with 10 000+ deposit, including those EAs which blown out all your money within two months despite this luxuriously-high starting account balance. There is about 99% of scammers in forex industry, and most of good and decent developers = 1% [if there is anything like that in existence...] they do not do enough for people finidng them and separate them from their scammer-counterparts.

Thus, my viewpoint is that that sucessfull EA or trading signal or simply human trader, all of them should first convince about their qualities of trading in extremely desperate and poor conditions. If some EA prove constant profitability under such austerity self-discipline measures, then such EA or signal will certainly succeed under any other market conditions. Such product will not certainly generate 1 million a year (theoretical backtest result which would probably never materialize in future results). But will be reliable and really profitable in real world conditions. Not to mention that EA with such proven record in real account would be top-selling product not only at this website.

Mathematics in Trading: How to Estimate Trade Results - MQL4 Articles
  • www.mql5.com
Mathematics in Trading: How to Estimate Trade Results - MQL4 Articles: automated forex trading

Almost all are important factors. 




Vorobyov: What I mean by "small account" may be whatever from 10 USD to 100 USD. Account size suchlike 500 USD or more should be already considered like super-safe sure win for purposes of programming EAs.

Unfortunatelly most EAs by most developers are able to trade sucessfully only with 10 000+ deposit, including those EAs which blown out all your money within two months despite this luxuriously-high starting account balance. There is about 99% of scammers in forex industry, and most of good and decent developers = 1% [if there is anything like that in existence...] they do not do enough for people finidng them and separate them from their scammer-counterparts. 

People need to stop this false hope $100 systems. Under_capitalization is self-defeating for any business venture. All systems have draw-downs (aka MAE) from the moment you place the trade, you're within draw-down territory(aka Spreads). Looking for systems with $1 starting capital is similar to looking for systems where all trades goes in your desired direction. Here's a news flash, they do-not exist.

If the average draw_down = $100 at broker minimum_lot. The guy with $100 account would be facing total_loss with just 1_standard_deviation. So-what if you turn it into points. Ok, but thats not going to change the Point_Value at broker minimum lot. The quest of finding systems with $10 deposit is similar to looking for systems with perfect entries. Or similar to looking for brokers with lot size of 0.0001. Or similar to looking for larger deposit on 0.01 lot-sizes.

Currently, its just much more realistic to postpone trading until you've got a sufficient bankroll.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Trade Orders in DOM
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Trade Orders in DOM
  • www.mql5.com
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Trade Orders in DOM - Documentation on MQL5

People need to stop this false hope $100 systems. Under_capitalization is self-defeating for any business venture. All systems have draw-downs (aka MAE) from the moment you place the trade, you're within draw-down territory(aka Spreads). Looking for systems with $1 starting capital is similar to looking for systems where all trades goes in your desired direction. Here's a news flash, they do-not exist.

If the average draw_down = $100 at broker minimum_lot. The guy with $100 account would be facing total_loss with just 1_standard_deviation. So-what if you turn it into points. Ok, but thats not going to change the Point_Value at broker minimum lot. The quest of finding systems with $10 deposit is similar to looking for systems with perfect entries. Or similar to looking for brokers with lot size of 0.0001. Or similar to looking for larger deposit on 0.01 lot-sizes.

Currently, its just much more realistic to postpone trading until you've got a sufficient bankroll.

Agree to your "under-capitalisation" statement, but nevertheless, there are many traders who started their account as little as $50 and made it to $10K. Just search around this website thoroughly and you will see it.

People need to stop this false hope $100 systems. Under_capitalization is self-defeating for any business venture. All systems have draw-downs (aka MAE) from the moment you place the trade, you're within draw-down territory(aka Spreads). Looking for systems with $1 starting capital is similar to looking for systems where all trades goes in your desired direction. Here's a news flash, they do-not exist.

If the average draw_down = $100 at broker minimum_lot. The guy with $100 account would be facing total_loss with just 1_standard_deviation. So-what if you turn it into points. Ok, but thats not going to change the Point_Value at broker minimum lot. The quest of finding systems with $10 deposit is similar to looking for systems with perfect entries. Or similar to looking for brokers with lot size of 0.0001. Or similar to looking for larger deposit on 0.01 lot-sizes.

Currently, its just much more realistic to postpone trading until you've got a sufficient bankroll.

True is that it is NOT possible to rise balance from only 1 USD. But it is YES possible to rise balance from at least 10 USD, and with anything higher like 25, 50, 100, 500, is increasingly comfortable. If you make effort and pick up quick small wins, it is possible to start with as low as 10 USD. EAs should be theoretically even more successfull in this tactics, because they can put stop loss at break-even plus few pips level much faster than human can do. And also machines are never tired and sleepy. So no problem to win at any time each trading day. That is not possible for human, but EA should be able to do it much faster and accurate, without emotions and without bias.


I mentioned this theme mainly because EAs and Trading signals cannot be thouroughly measured if starting capital is e.g. 10,000 USD. In that case even very dumb EA make gains, because it is not difficult.

Most forex robots available in the internet are not only dumb, but also additionally not able to trade at all. Humans playing casino-system [blindly betting on rise or fall] would be more successfully than those scammer EAs.