Your opinion matters....Sometimes


I have read several posts in other threads about Moderators being selective in certain things.

And I constantly see regular Contributors bashing those who are new, albeit some of it deserved in my opinion.

I have also seen some regular Contributors just disappear because of all this, I assume.

What is your opinion?

Mine is..

Moderators should Moderate equally and if it seems they are not, a explanation should be given.

Contributors should not be so heavy handed and sometimes down right mean to some of the newbies trying to learn. I do understand that a lot of the recent  posts are being made by people who are just too lazy to learn,read,search and expect someone to give them something for nothing, but there are some who have valid questions posted on here,the difference is a very fine line and it needs to be addressed.

If some Moderator wishes to delete this post for being off topic so be it, but remember something has to be done to save this forum and it has to come from someone with a higher level of access. Some excellent Contributors have gone silent in recent months and I suspect it has to do with all this bickering and lack of class.


Not sure if my opinion can be considered objective here or not, as I have a feeling I might be considered by some to be one of those new people getting bashed for stating my mind.  But I think both sides need to take a step back, take a breath, and come back in, remembering that this forum is supposed to be a place to help others with information or ideas or to ask questions if you have them, fully understanding that not everybody is going to get along 100% of the time, but we should at least be civil about it.

As far as being off topic, this forum really doesn't have any topic specific areas like the one on MQL5 does, so I think you are safe on that.

Edit: Well, it seems the mods on forum are at it (the heavy handedness) there too.  Just got back off a ban, which, to me, the reason is B.S., and while posting in a lighthearted (supposedly) thread on there, I get blocked with another ban for the same B.S. reason for even longer now.  And to make it even better, I cannot contact service desk to notify them about this problem. 

Edit 2: I am also blocked from being able to make use of the feedback section on  This is ludicrous, not giving a person any way to discuss a supposed issue other than with the person or people who are potentially causing the problem.


Here is my message to Metaquotes administrator, after I explained I will not continue to be moderator on this forum :

Sorry, a volunteer work is supposed to be pleasant, it's no more since a while.

If it was to me to decide I will ban this user (WHRoeder) forever, that will give place to all users he did flee over the years. But I know it's not an easy decision.

WHRoeder, I learned from you about mql4. But you are a very rude person and a poor human being.

This is my last post.


Tricky subject.

Ultimately, this is a forum run by a company (MetaQuotes). Therefore democracy, freedom of expression etc are entirely at their discretion. There are no rights to this.

Admittedly, there are some "characters" on here but I too have learnt much from them.

While this will sound particularly harsh, I do find several new posters (and one frequent poster requesting help who shall remain nameless) exceptionally rude, contributing nothing, seemingly too lazy to search and can't even be bothered to acknowledge the help they are given. They are the minority, but they do dissuade people (me) from helping out.

The other problem is the use of language. For many posters, English is not their native tongue and often accidental offense can be caused or the meaning lost/misinterpreted. 



This is my last post.

I hope you only mean on this topic angevoyageur.

I have learnt a wealth of knowledge from your contributions


Here is my message to Metaquotes administrator, after I explained I will not continue to be moderator on this forum :

WHRoeder, I learned from you about mql4. But you are a very rude person and a poor human being.

This is my last post.

I am sorry to read this, but in fact there more and more rather stupid posts and questions by newbies which would have been easily solved by themselves by either reading or googeling than bothering this forum.

Especially as some of those newbies seem to be very much offended if they are told that they should do what all of us had to do to be able to give some valuable answers: read, study, experiment,..

Well, some of those newbies are expecting a 'free lunch' here and they start to bitch at the people who tell them, even here, there is no free lunch.

But the main problem of this forum is that there is no HowTo (with e.g. behaviour, how to start learning, ..) for this forum sticking at the very top (in bold letters?) of the main list!

Well in some points I do have a different view than WHRoeder but generally speaking he tells just the truth: either pay of take the time to study and try..



Here is my message to Metaquotes administrator, after I explained I will not continue to be moderator on this forum :

WHRoeder, I learned from you about mql4. But you are a very rude person and a poor human being.

This is my last post.

I think he is terse rather than rude and is frequently the only person who bothers to respond at all.
and is frequently the only person who bothers to respond at all.
I have a theory on this :)
angevoyageur: WHRoeder, I learned from you about mql4. But you are a very rude person and a poor human being.
  1. Perhaps when you registered, you missed "Please, be polite communicating in this forum. Any posts which may offend other visitors of the forum are forbidden."
  2. I think it is you that is rude, and a poor human.

I try to treat everyone here as an adult. If they act like an adult, I will try to help.

If they just want a freebe, or start whining when they don't get it, then they need to grow up. They've wasted our time with their post, so they don't deserve niceness. Political Correctness is trying to pick up a turd by the clean end. The more you do it the worse it gets.

My terse remarks have resulted in many posters putting in some effort and learning. And some have posted that they are grateful that they were forced to study.


I stepped away from being an active participant on this forum almost a year ago for a few reasons:

First, the United States, through laws and regulations, is killing retail forex for its citizens.  For example, I'm limited to U.S. regulated brokerage firms, limited to 50:1 leverage, and can't trade both sides of a currency pair (long and short at same time). Big banks and brokerage firms are not limited in these ways, just regular, average, everyday people trying to make few extra dollars.

Second, I believe MetaQuotes has failed this forum.  While the documentation has received more attention and is somewhat better, it still has lots of holes and misrepresentations--some due to translation issues, but others due to down right neglect.  Also, MetaQuotes doesn't spearhead some of the discussions here or provide extensive answers to legitimate questions.  MetaQuotes needs be much more active on this forum.  There some great volunteer moderators here, but MetaQuotes needs a much bigger presence here.  Additionally, the functionality of this forum desperately needs to be upgraded...better search functions, better thread management, etc. 

Third, there are way too many people who are new to MT4/5 or MQL and, without conducting a search, simply post a question that has been asked and answered dozens of times.  To them, it's expedient, but to some of us, it's a waste of time to conduct our own search simply to point that person in the right direction when it's the poster who should be doing the search to find answers.  New posters should be highly encouraged to search first and ask second.  Along this line, some new posters need to grow a thicker skin and not be so quick to be offended by an answer.  Maybe this forum should be organized so that there's novice and advanced areas...again this is an example of how, I believe, MetaQuotes has failed this forum.

My fourth reason is simply life has gone in a different direction from where I was 2 and 3 years ago. Forex, at least at the moment, isn't my top priority.  Maybe someday soon it will be again. I still lurk here and on a rare occasion, answer a question or two.

I disagree with WHRoeder on many aspects of code implementation (especially lot sizing...LOL), but he is an effective programmer and analyst.  He is abrasive and, at times, can be interrupted as rude.  But there are people (especially new posters) here who can learn from him if those people wouldn't be so quick to take offense by what he says.  WHRoeder isn't always right (although, he may disagree with me on that point) and his code isn't the only way to perform a particular task, but he and several others have allot to contribute to the body of knowledge which makes up this forum.  Just because I disagree with him on a subject (or several subjects) doesn't mean I shouldn't recognize him as a effective programmer/analyst, although there are times where I think he should explain his code better and the thought process behind that code. :)

Just my 2 cents. 


Here is my message to Metaquotes administrator, after I explained I will not continue to be moderator on this forum :

WHRoeder, I learned from you about mql4. But you are a very rude person and a poor human being.

This is my last post.

Ange, while I am sure I have had my differences with you on occasion, I will be sorry to see you go if it is your intention to quit MQL4 forum for good.  Despite our occasional differences of opinion, I feel you were one of the people who were on here trying to help out in what could at best be considered difficult circumstances.