ADD 4 SECONDS TO SERVER TIME OR MARKET WATCH TIME##################################################################################################################### - page 2

I thinnk

are u sure understand what are u saying ? i told do it for me ? i cant accept it doesnt exist it is a necessary option 

and u cant be sure that u can do it with coding heh "stupid" == "stupid" (In case you are not familiar with the ==, it means that program should check them that they are equal or not. and result can be also 0 )

I think the main issue is improper communication on both of our sides.  I understand what I am saying, and was not saying that you specifically are asking us to do that, but I am guessing that English is not your first language, and it can be hard to tell what someone means sometimes.  And I mean that looking from both sides of this particular instance.

liar dont change the discussion


you just saying do it yourself and you think that i did nothing before i come here 

its a big blind side that a broker can just with a little changing(seconds) of start time of its servers completly change the open close high and low of candles in 1m and 5m charts and hide the reality of market u can compare hotforex's ecn with ic market's ecn in 1m and 5m charts

liar dont change the discussion


you just saying do it yourself and you think that i did nothing before i come here 

What you are trying to do can only be accomplished on the server side of the rate transmission from the various brokers.

You would have to divert the transmission of every tick to your platform before it is transmitted to the MQL Platforms and then transmit it back again with the delay intact so it comes back once more to your platform.

This can not be accomplished with any form coding used in the MQL Platform.

If I am wrong ?  Prove it.


liar dont change the discussion


you just saying do it yourself and you think that i did nothing before i come here 

Read my post that way if you want, but that is not what I meant.  You still haven't posted the code of the attempt with it you are trying to make it work, so we cannot tell what you have attempted or how you went about it.  When you do post your code here, there is a SRC button at the top of the text entry area, it makes it very visible that you are posting code in that section.

As far as your other comment about the brokers, some of it might be the brokers, and some of it might not be.  It might just be the difference between when they get the information from the market compared to when another broker might get it, but I am sure that many brokers are completely able to delay the timing just a little if it makes them a little more money.


What you are trying to do can only be accomplished on the server side of the rate transmission from the various brokers.

You would have to divert the transmission of every tick to your platform before it is transmitted to the MQL Platforms and then transmit it back again with the delay intact so it comes back once more to your platform.

This can not be accomplished with any form coding used in the MQL Platform.

If I am wrong ?  Prove it.

we dont need to change ticks delay just need to change open and close and high and low of candles to shifted 1m chart
we dont need to change ticks delay just need to change open and close and high and low of candles to shifted 1m chart
The OHLC is dependent in the ticks coming in.
The OHLC is dependent in the ticks coming in.
and we cant redraw them ?

are u sure understand what are u saying ? i told do it for me ? i cant accept it doesnt exist it is a necessary option 

and u cant be sure that u can do it with coding heh "stupid" == "$tupid" (In case you are not familiar with the ==, it means that program should check them that they are equal or not. and result can be also 0 )

What may be necessary for you (or me) doesn't mean MetaQuotes thinks that it is necessary. Nevertheless, we do have to accept the limitations. 

If you feel strongly about it, write to the Service Desk.

WHRoeder already gave you the correct answer - offline charts, rebuilding from tick data to match your requirements.

and we cant redraw them ?

yes you can redraw them,on offline charts.

then what would be the point in only adding 4secs?