Need Help -- Backtesting Not Working



I am new to MT4 and learning to program EA's.  I have a current EA working just fine, but I'm trying to backtest it and having problems. After finishing the Run with Optimization turned on, nothing appears in the Optimization Results or Graph. The Journal shows some of the following:

581 passes done during optimization, 581 results have been discarded as insignificant.
MA Cross; optimization finished, 507 cache records were used, 507 cache records rejected.
TestGenerator there are 78 generator errors.
TestGenerator: unmatched data error (volume limit 3466 at 2015.06.12 exceeded)

The 78 errors are the unmatchted data errors.

Any assistance on solving this would be appreciated or what else should I look for. The agent is working fine in the Charts, but I'd like to optimize the agent.

Thanks, JW

jkwade: 581 passes done during optimization, 581 results have been discarded as insignificant.
  1. All your results were loosers.
  2. Right click -> set show all results

Thanks WHRoeder,

That helped me a lot. I could see the results were all losers. I think maybe, to much data or it was getting data errors. I'm not 100% sure. I got it all working and I'm getting results.