Problem 'Low' - constant variable cannot be passed as reference



I have find a good indicator, but it have a problem 'Low' - constant variable cannot be passed as reference

That is the global code :

//|                                            sp market profile.mq4 |
//|                                      Copyright © 2008, sptrading | 
#property copyright "sptrading"
#property indicator_chart_window

#include <mpxlib.mqh>

//| mode: mode selection                                             |
//|     1: mp by day                                                 |
//|     2: mp by date from file                                      |
//| filename: datetime, comma separated;                             |
//|    (2008.12.28 11:00,2008.12.29 00:00)                           |
//|    if emtpy is assumed as <symbol>.mp                            |

extern int mode = 1; 
extern string filename = "";
extern int days = 5;
extern double ticks = 10;
extern bool drawText = true;
extern bool drawBox = true;
extern bool drawPOC = true;
extern bool drawVolume = true;
extern bool std1Breakout = false;
extern bool unitBreakout = false;
extern bool AsiaSession = true;
extern bool EUSession = true;
extern bool USASession = true;

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
   string short_name;

//---- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
   short_name="sp market profile";


//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
  double onetick = 1/(MathPow(10,Digits))*ticks;  

  // Erase old one
  double pocsPrices[];
  double mpxVolume[];

   // Sessions  
  int sessions = 0;
  if (AsiaSession)
     sessions |= mpxeAsiaSession;
  if (EUSession)
     sessions |= mpxeEUSession;
  if (USASession)
     sessions |= mpxeUSASession;

  // MP  
  if (mode==1)
   mpxMarketProfileByDay(pocsPrices, mpxVolume, Low, High, days, onetick, sessions, drawText, drawBox, drawPOC, drawVolume);
  else if (mode==2)
   if (filename == "")
      filename = mpxNameFromPeriod() + ".mp";
   mpxMarketProfileByFile(pocsPrices, mpxVolume, Low, High, filename, onetick, sessions, drawText, drawBox, drawPOC, drawVolume);
   // Alert
   if (std1Breakout || unitBreakout)
      mpxSendMailAlert(pocsPrices, std1Breakout, unitBreakout);

And the line where is the errors :

  mpxMarketProfileByDay(pocsPrices, mpxVolume, Low, High, days, onetick, sessions, drawText, drawBox, drawPOC, drawVolume);


 mpxMarketProfileByFile(pocsPrices, mpxVolume, Low, High, filename, onetick, sessions, drawText, drawBox, drawPOC, drawVolume)

If you can help me, it's good for me


It errors there because your arguments are incompatible with the function definition. A definition which you do NOT show.
function(pocsPrices, mpxVolume, Low, High, ...

TBD function(double& pocsPrices[], double& mpxVolume[], double& lows[], double& highs[], ...
Low[] and High[] are constant arrays. Always pass by constant reference unless you intend to modify the callers argument. You can't modify High[] or Low[]
function(pocsPrices, mpxVolume, Low, High, ...

TBD function(double& prices[], double& volume[], const double& lows[], const double& highs[], ...

Sorry's but I don't understand that you say

I havie to do what ?



Your function declaration must explicitly contain const keyword when passing constants, the same way the OnCalculate function does, i.e.

const datetime& time[],
const double& open[],
const double& high[],
const double& low[],
const double& close[],
const long& tick_volume[],
const long& volume[],
const int& spread[]
Hi, I fixed it, now it builds with no errors. 
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