Is this possible to place order in given time included seconds?



i want to place order in 10:00:15

i tried coding for given minutes, but how to make order in exact seconds too?

    int datetime = TimeCurrent();
    int hour = TimeHour(datetime);
    int minute = TimeMinute(datetime);
    if (DayOfWeek() != Today && hour == 10 && minute == 0)
        Today = DayOfWeek();

You'd need to set up a timer ( OnTimer() ), so that it 'ticks' every second.

Therein you'd use i.e TimeLocal() with MqlDateTime type parameter. The MqlDateTime structure is then filled accordingly and you can read out day, minute, second etc.

One possible issue I see with this, and I do not see a solution is placing the order on your end is no guarantee that the broker can fill the order right at that time to the second.