MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE) function returns wrong value?


I'm experiencing that MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE)  and SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE) gives me wrong value for some markets.

Currently I am using a demo account on pipindex and on their page ( I can read that contract size for natural gas is:

Number of contracts * Market Price of CFD * 1000

When I log into the Meta Trader 4 platform MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE)  and SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE) returns value 1. Shouldn't it return vale 1000?

For forex, stocks, these functions seem to return correct value. 



Ask your broker.
Ask your broker.


I did this but the answer I got pointed to that they didn't understand the problem.

 I sent a link to their home page and sent som screen dumps from my MT4 platform and asked why the values doesn't match and they said something about adding more information on their home page (the home page however got correct ones and the MT4 doesnt).

So I figured out that more people must have this problem and posted the question here.




I did this but the answer I got pointed to that they didn't understand the problem.

 I sent a link to their home page and sent som screen dumps from my MT4 platform and asked why the values doesn't match and they said something about adding more information on their home page (the home page however got correct ones and the MT4 doesnt).

So I figured out that more people must have this problem and posted the question here.


Number of contracts * Market Price of CFD * 1000

That means when you buy 1 lot, you are buying 1000 shares. So yes the contract size in MT4 should be 1,000 in my opinion.