Renko-SignalAM GBPUSD,M2: incorrect start position 299 for ArrayMinimum function


Dear Sirs,

Could you please tell me why my platform throws out this message and as a result slows down my Platform to such an extend that it is almost impossible to trade?

I have changed the EA for the conversion without any improvement and yet the same EAs run perfectly on other currencies - only GBPUSD that is causing this problem.

Assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you most sincerely, 

Hercs78: Could you please tell me why
  1. Because your code is broken.
  2. Code that we can not see - There are no mind readers here.


Never suggested that you are "mind readers"

All I want to know is 1. have you experienced this before and if so what was the cause of it?

2. Possible solution to the problem.

Seeing that you are so sarcastic, I can in all probability not expect to hear something useful from you or can I?  

The logfiles show this as per my attached screen-print just in case you are interested: 

Hercs78: Ouch!
All I want to know is 1. have you experienced this before and if so what was the cause of it?

2. Possible solution to the problem.

Seeing that you are so sarcastic, I can in all probability not expect to hear something useful from you or can I?  

The logfiles show this as per my attached screen-print just in case you are interested:

First rule: think
  1. Everyone here has experienced broken code and some bugs are hard to identify. Since we can't see your code and there are no mind-reader here, how do you expect anyone here to know the cause?
  2. Identify the problem, fix the code.
  3. Nothing useful was posted by you, so nothing useful can be posted by anyone.
  4. Don't attach a image, insert the image

First rule: Always be courteous!

Second rule: Don't assume!

Third rule: The fact that you are a technical programmer (?) does not make you a surgeon!

Better not to deal with you as an individual. 


First rule: Always be courteous!

Second rule: Don't assume!

Third rule: The fact that you are a technical programmer (?) does not make you a surgeon!

Better not to deal with you as an individual. 

WHRoeder is not known to be courteous, but he hasn't exactly been rude to you either.

He is usually right though. It can be difficult to give advice without seeing the code.

I've never had this error.

If I did get this error, I would write code to check that the array is at least sized to 299+number of elements for the search +1