Select -all- vertical and trend lines on chart



I just can't find sample code to select either vertical or trend line (actually both) on chart.

The idea is to (toggle with button) hide/show objects on chart, i.e. vertical and trend lines (which clutter my chart, but i am possessed (LOL) and addicted (LOL again) by them; I need them as much as a guitar needs strings).

First idea was to loop-find all (wanted) objects on chart, and write their color into external file, then set color to CLR_NONE, and back. Quite mind-laborious. Then I found out that easiest way would be to set visibility via timeframe - if all (wanted) objects are drawn on 'OBJ_NO_PERIODS', they will (visibility-wise) disappear from chart; then we set timeframe back.

So, please help me - how do I select ALL OBJ_VLINE and OBJ_TREND, which have varying 'Name' (i.e. "2015.04.07 14:38 +3") and 'Description' (i.e. "Ca@6 fr Nk L Bu") properties, so I can then ObjectSet(?allNames?, OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, OBJ_PERIOD_M1|OBJ_PERIOD_M15|OBJ_PERIOD_H1) etc.?

This is the only romance I managed to scratch together:

//--- custom function ---
void HideTrendVerticalLinesToggle() // easiest way - set timeframe to OBJ_NO_PERIODS, EMPTY, then back to TF OBJ_PERIOD_M1|OBJ_PERIOD_M15|OBJ_PERIOD_H1
  {// loop through objects on chart and find ObjectType OBJ_VLINE & OBJ_TREND
// test
   for(int i=ObjectsTotal()-1;i>=0;i--)
      if(ObjectType(0)==OBJ_VLINE) Print("OBjectType OBJ_VLINE prints "+ObjectType(0));
     Print("Button [ Toggle Line Visibility ] pressed!"); // test

No need to tell it does nothing similar to what I would do if I was a computer. LOL!

According to (, OBJ_VLINE (type) = (has) 0 (value). Lost...

Thank you for your help,

Best regards,


S love nia


OK, I did my homework (trial and error, that is) and this code works as a charm:

//--- HIDE TREND LINES AND VERTICAL LINES ON CHART --------------------------------------------------------
void HideTrendVerticalLinesToggle() // easiest way - set timeframe to OBJ_NO_PERIODS, EMPTY, then back to TF OBJ_PERIOD_M1|OBJ_PERIOD_M15|OBJ_PERIOD_H1
  {// loop through objects on chart and find ObjectType OBJ_VLINE & OBJ_TREND ---
// test
   for(int i=ObjectsTotal()-1;i>=0;i--)
      string name=ObjectName(i);
      if(ObjectType(name)==OBJ_VLINE) {ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_SELECTED,true);Print("Names are: "+name);}
//--- Print ---
   Print("Button [ Toggle Line Visibility ] pressed!"); // test

I guess it can be further minimized, but not in the mood now. Any suggestions?

Besta regarda,


S love nia


Here is completed code, it works (mas o menos):

//--- global variable ---
bool ...,HideTrendVerticLines;
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,const long &lparam,const double &dparam,const string &sparam)
// ChartRedraw();
//--- custom function ---
void ButtonPressed(long chartID,string sparam)
//--- HIDE TREND LINES AND VERTICAL LINES ON CHART --------------------------------------------------------
void HideTrendVerticalLinesToggle(bool hideTrendVerticLines)
   int i;
      case false:
            string name=ObjectName(i);
            if(ObjectType(name)==OBJ_VLINE || ObjectType(name)==OBJ_TREND || ObjectType(name)==OBJ_ARROW) // TODO: search/show/hide on main window (chart) only
               ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,OBJ_NO_PERIODS); // you might try OBJ_PERIOD_W1, OBJ_NO_PERIODS works iratic
               Print("Setting vertical and trend lines and arrows to Timeframe OBJ_NO_PERIODS. Object Name = "+name); // test
         ChartRedraw();HideTrendVerticLines=true;break; // probably works without 'ChartRedraw()' too
      case true:
            string name=ObjectName(i);
            if(ObjectType(name)==OBJ_VLINE || ObjectType(name)==OBJ_TREND)
               Print("Setting vertical and trend lines to Timeframe M1,M15,H1. Object Name = "+name); // test
               Print("Setting arrows to Timeframe H1. Object Name = "+name); // test
   Print("HideTrendVerticLines = "+HideTrendVerticLines); // test
   Print("Button [ Toggle Line Visibility ] pressed!"); // test

It took me some time to figure out that ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,OBJ_NO_PERIODS); does NOT hides the objects; therefore I 'beamed them up' into weekly timeframe, which I extremely rarely check. Monthly would do the same trick.

This code will 'hide and show' objects from main and sub windows; I need to figure it out how to hide/show on main window only. Help please!

Best regards,


S love nia


ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,OBJ_NO_PERIODS) does work just fine; I must have wrong-coded something.


if((ObjectType(name)==OBJ_VLINE || ObjectType(name)==OBJ_TREND || ObjectType(name)==OBJ_ARROW)&&ObjectFind(0,name)==0)

(...&&ObjectFind(0,name)==0)) will search on main window only.

Best regards,


S love nia