0 error(s), 0 warning(s) but no valus



I created these indicators InstaForex platform on my real account, but when I tryed to make the same indicators with same code (copy/past) and different name, the new indicators does note give me any value , were is the problem , need hepl, (by compiling the code I have the messaage 0 error(s), 0 warning(s))

my I called my  first indicator (in attach) "NPICHARTWP" I created it on metaEditor in my real account instaforex .

I can't understand why this problem and just with this indicator?

Need help please

  1. 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) Means it compiles. Doesn't mean it does anything.
  2. There are no mindreaders here. We can't see your broken code.

the indicator in the attach above is for the same code , I juste change the name of the indicator , I can assure you that is the same code and in the same platforme and the same account

is it logical?


To résume the problem ; the indicator in the chart below is my first version of my indicator called "NPICHARTWP" , I tryed to change the name of the indicator whith the same code (copy/past)

no errors but no values , and in the same metaEditor in my real account Instaforex

I can't understand


Don't copy and paste, you may have done it wrong

In meta editor File \ save as and give it a new name 



Thank you for repply

yes it work by using save as , but a question why the problem is just with this indicator , a used (copy/past) with my own other indicator and it was so easy ?!