Err 139 Order is locked?

Hello to all. I have been trying to search around here and on for what exactly this ERR_ORDER_LOCKED is all about.. there are multiple places to find that 139 means Order is locked but no explanation as to what this means.. is this something the platform is doing or something the server is doing? Someone enlighten me or point me to some one who can... PIpPip..
I think it would be the server. Something such as pending order triggering under news, where brokers do additional checks. Or perhaps, a modification request while SL/TP has been triggered.

Thank you Mr. Roeder... 

When i seem to get it is when my Ea enters a trade and then the OrderModify tries to set the tp and sl numbers.. I have never seen this error before in all the months I have been using this Expert..

This just came to mind...I just tried to set it up as a metaquotes signal provider platform... which I found out is woefully inadequate ... It was not until metaquotes server got involved with forwarding ,manipulating and 'adjusting' my trades lot sizes between my platform and the subscribers platform that I received this error. I think it may have something to do with that.

I wish Metaquotes was a little LESS bent towards piling on more commercializing features and a little MORE dilligent in providing up to date documentation about simple things like... What does err 139 really mean? So Order is locked by whom? why is it locked? By my broker? By my Expert? By Metaquotes? 

I may just be not finding the hidden documentation somewhere? If so.. will someone please give me a clue?... 


I am wondering now if it is locking the order from modification until Metaquotes relays the trade. I think I will try putting in the order and then have it wait a few seconds to allow time for the trade to be forwarded before putting in the stoploss and take profit.. What's the rush anyway? It does not do it every time so I'm thinking it is a timing situation due to changing latency.

In the meantime I am finding it increasingly frustrating to try and get the signal service to work for me in it's present state. It seems to be impossible to have my trades copied as sent.

If I have a 1000.00 live account that sends out a .02 trade to a client's 1000.00 account. It will modify MY signal and forward them a .01 trade as if that's what I 'meant' to send. It is as if they don't think I have taken money management into consideration before sending a signal and I have some how given them the job of taking care of that for me. If I send a .03..., metaquotes will relay them a .02..

I need a signal service that simply forwards MY signal. Not THEIR signal. If they continue to do this, they should make the receiving client aware that this is NOT the signal that their provider sent. This is NOT the signal they are PAYING to receive. The client needs to have the choice to disable Metaquotes modification of the provider's signal should they so choose.

If someone knows a way to place a .02 trade from a 1k provider to a 1k client.. please tell me how to do it because I would really like to use the signal service but am becoming more and more convinced that it simply is unusable. Is there any one else dealing with this problem that has found a solution?

The trade is already on the server, that's where the ticket number comes from.
Yea i put a 3000 millisecond sleep in it if it returns a ticket number. Then i will do the mod.  I'm thinking the metaquotes signal service is relaying my trade through the system and locks the existing orders parameters until it's done.