How to make hotkey for "Vertical Line"? - page 2

Max-Enrik: . Where may I learn how to create a script?
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. I can post links, but I can't make you click

What is the best way in this situation?


xiruko This is why just giving them the answer doesn't work. He has learned nothing, and now wants you to change it again.

Yep, that's true. I did it because it was a matter of 2 minutes and I was having a good day, but I won't do it again.




Where may I learn how to create a script?


Yep, that's true. I did it because it was a matter of 2 minutes and I was having a good day, but I won't do it again.


Thanks so much!

I added | #property indicator_color1  clrBlack | into the script. But I have errors.

'OnCalculate' - function must have a body Vertical-Line-H1.mq4 22 5

OnStart function defined in the non-script program Vertical-Line-H1.mq4 17

indicator buffers amount is less than needed 0 0


Someone help me, please. 

Max-Enrik: Someone help me, please. 
learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.
Start with Event Handling Functions - MQL4 Documentation What does it say OnStart is only for? What does it say OnCalculate is only for? How can you have indicator buffers in a script?
Until you read and understand the documentation/language there is no common language for us to communicate with. The above questions shows your post is basically babel and is a waste of everyone's time.


Good thanks!

Thanks for your time. I highly appreciate your support.


All best,



I know I have not a lot of time. But I know I will do a lot of things a little time.

Right now I added COLOR, STYLE and so on. It is simple but I am new this area.




I would like to add Vertical Line to forward (future Period H1).

I tried to find about it but I did not find anything. 

Is it possible?


All best,



You can use future times in the parameters for a vertical line.

Be aware that if that time value doesn't exist on the chart later, the line will appear to be on the nearest earlier bar.


If, on a Friday, you place the line 12 hours in the future, so it will be on a Saturday, it will appear to be in the correct place

When the market opens on a Monday, there will not be a candle that includes that Saturday time, so it will appear to be on the last Friday candle.

Hope that makes sense. 


Hope that makes sense. 

Thanks for great information and your time. It helped me.