Fib Levels


The documentation now gives an example where the individual fib levels can be set (color, style, width, value).

Anyone managed to get this working? For me, it is the same as it's always been, namely all levels take the same color, style and width.

Excerpt from the documentation:

   for(int i=0;i<levels;i++)
      //--- level value
      //--- level color
      //--- level style
      //--- level width
      //--- level description
You have to redraw the chart.

Thanks for the reply - that makes no difference.

The levels are redrawn, but all levels take the last color, style and width set in the arrays.


The documentation now gives an example where the individual fib levels can be set (color, style, width, value).

Anyone managed to get this working? For me, it is the same as it's always been, namely all levels take the same color, style and width.

Excerpt from the documentation:






Hello RaptorUK - you need to scroll down the list a little further and you'll see the modifier:



Hello RaptorUK - you need to scroll down the list a little further and you'll see the modifier:


Nope,  it is still not there . . .  but I understand what you are referring to.  Interestingly in the example code you pointed to the function that sets the level colours is never called.


Hi RaptorUK - that screenshot above is directly from the link you posted. You need to scroll down to the ENUM_OBJECT_PROPERTY_INTEGER section, and you'll find it listed there.

(Note: I'm referring to application through ObjectSetInteger() not ObjectSet() here)

Does anyone know if this functionality is supported in MQL5? In which case, there is slightly more hope...


Thanks for the reply - that makes no difference.

The levels are redrawn, but all levels take the last color, style and width set in the arrays.

You can't set a different color, style and with for the fibo levels.

Hello angevoyageur, 

I understand that has always been the case.

But doesn't it seem a little odd that they have recently written an example about how to do exactly that? And there are appropriate members of the enumeration family? 


Hello angevoyageur, 

I understand that has always been the case.

But doesn't it seem a little odd that they have recently written an example about how to do exactly that? 

Yes I know, it's a copy/paste from mql5 documentation. And it does not work with MQL5 either.

You can try your chance with ServiceDesk


Well if it doesn't work in MQL5, then I'm not going to hold my breath!

Thanks for clarifying the situation with MQL5.

I'll go back to using excessive numbers of objects and code to achieve a seemingly simple task.