new editor and terminal - )=(/&%$$%(/))(/&%$ !!!



This morning a new editor b1035 was installed and caused immediatly many problems:

My Defines.mqh-file (only 163 lines!!) compiles with no Errors in the old editor b996 and terminal b745 (broker 1) this morning:

'Defines.mqh'    Defines.mqh    1    1
'Errors.mqh'    Errors.mqh    1    1
0 error(s), 0 warning(s)        1    1

EXACTLY the same file compiled with editor b1035 and terminal b765 (broker 2) creates exactly this as of this morning:

'Defines.mqh'    Defines.mqh    1    1
'Errors.mqh'    Errors.mqh    1    1
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    41    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    81    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    83    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    94    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    106    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    114    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    132    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    139    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    158    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    159    9
macro redefinition    Errors.mqh    160    9
'StrToInteger' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    58    16
'StrToInteger' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    59    16
'StrToInteger' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    60    16
'ObjectsTotal' - wrong parameters count    Defines.mqh    69    17
'ObjectName' - wrong parameters count    Defines.mqh    71    18
implicit conversion from 'number' to 'string'    Defines.mqh    71    18
'ObjectDelete' - wrong parameters count    Defines.mqh    73    18
'ObjectFind' - wrong parameters count    Defines.mqh    82    5
'ObjectDelete' - wrong parameters count    Defines.mqh    82    25
'ObjectCreate' - wrong parameters count    Defines.mqh    84    4
'ObjectSet' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    85    4
'ObjectSet' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    86    2
'ObjectSetText' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    87    2
'TimeToStr' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    93    49
implicit conversion from 'number' to 'string'    Defines.mqh    93    49
'TimeToStr' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    98    24
'MODE_DIGITS' - undeclared identifier    Defines.mqh    110    42
'MarketInfo' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    110    27
'MODE_TICKVALUE' - undeclared identifier    Defines.mqh    112    39
'MarketInfo' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    112    24
'Time' - undeclared identifier    Defines.mqh    139    21
'0' - some operator expected    Defines.mqh    148    7
']' - unexpected token    Defines.mqh    148    7
'_LastBar' - some operator expected    Defines.mqh    148    7
'TimeToStr' - function not defined    Defines.mqh    148    7
implicit conversion from 'number' to 'string'    Defines.mqh    148    7
')' - unexpected token    Defines.mqh    148    7
24 error(s), 14 warning(s)        25    15

I had some issues with compiling mqh files with an earlier build - it seemed like it was applying MQL5 rules.

So using your example, StrToInteger() has thrown up an error. Does that go away if you replace it with StringToInteger? Same with TimeToStr and TimeToString. And so forth. Essentially, use this for comparison: Migrating from MQL4 to MQL5 

Smells like mq4 language is being phased out.

Well it seems I have to save and protect the old terminal for compiling..

Does anybody has a link how to do it?

But if Metatrader is doing this and offering a HowTo for migrating from mt4 to m5 why the hell don't they offer a script that converts the functions??


The compiler runs by itself. So just keep a copy of the older metaeditor.exe somewhere else.

If you're stuck, PM me and I'll send you an older compiler.

Just to clarify - this was a problem I used to have with a prior build, but subsequent builds did not exhibit this behaviour. So I'm not sure it is intentional.

The compiler runs by itself. So just keep a copy of the older metaeditor.exe somewhere else.

If you're stuck, PM me and I'll send you an older compiler.

Thank you! I do have some old mt4 but in their folder were only the old terminal. Do they compile?

What I am looking for now would be a HowTo for the use of Notepad++ as editor that compiles and knows how to deal with the compiler errors.

To replace the mt4 development-environment..

As the first step I have already created the b600+ language file for NotePad++.

I send it to the creator of the prev. language-file to publish, but I don't know whether he did it or not.

If someone would like just PM me.


Does anybody has the compiler dtd Oct 2014 (not dec 2014): mql.exe or mql64.exe?

Please send them to me via private mail!

Thanks a lot in advance,



Hello Gooly,

Check your PM - I've sent you build 996 dated 24 October 2014. 


I found a solution!

1) I created a folder just with the working editor (no terminal)

2) I created a shortcut to start the editor (like my terminals) in "/portable"-mode

3) I deleted most of the folders in the editor's MQL4 folder (after the first start)

4) I am using Schinagls Link Shell Extension (google) to place a 'junction' to the relevant folder in the terminals MQL4 folder: \Expert, \Include, ...

That seems to work and is (hopefully) save from being updated.