Code too huge to run on MT4 ?


Hi everybody,


I tried to run several time a big code (1200 lines) i developed, with some loop i can't remove. MT4 shut down each time. Is it normal ? How can I proceed ? I tried to simplify i did my best.


Thank you very much ! 


Hi everybody,


I tried to run several time a big code (1200 lines) i developed, with some loop i can't remove. MT4 shut down each time. Is it normal ? How can I proceed ? I tried to simplify i did my best.


Thank you very much ! 

No it is not normal.

Why can't you remove the loop?

There is probably a mistake in the coding and most likely a never ending loop 

Yeah, my ea have more than 5k lines and its run just fine. Maybe there are conditions that enters into the loop but no way of getting out of the loop.

There is some error in your code.

try to cut part of the code using     /* and   */

Thanks everybody ! :D You were right, there was a little  ">" which hadn't to be here ! Too tired yesterday to saw it I guess. Thanks very much !